Yes, it is a noun. It is a science, encompassing thoughts about such things as the meaning of existence, human behavior, and moral principles.
Yes, philosophy is an abstract noun. It refers to the study or contemplation of fundamental truths and concepts related to existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
The past tense of "philosophy" is "philosophized."
Yes, "philosopher" is a concrete noun because it refers to a person who engages in the study or practice of philosophy, which is a tangible concept that can be observed and understood through specific actions and attributes.
The word "philosophical" can function as an adjective.
The word "stoic" can function as both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, it refers to a person who is unemotional and accepts pain or misfortune without complaining. As an adjective, it describes someone or something that is calm, unaffected by emotions, or indifferent to pleasure or pain.
She studied philosophy in college. Philiosophy is a noun. It can't be the verb.
A philosopher is a concrete noun, a word for a person. A philosopher, whatever his philosophy or position, must interact with other people to be considered one. Philosophy (his beliefs and principles) is an abstract noun.
Yes, philosophy is an abstract noun. It refers to the study or contemplation of fundamental truths and concepts related to existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
The past tense of "philosophy" is "philosophized."
"Shinto" is a proper noun; it is a religion/philosophy common in Japan.
The word Buddhism is a singular, proper, abstract noun; a the name of a specific religion or philosophy based the teachings of Gautama Buddha.
The noun utilitarianism is used as a subject or an object; for example: Subject: Utilitarianism is included in this philosophy course. Object: Part of this philosophy course covers utilitarianism.
The suffix "-ism" added to a noun indicates that it is a study, a philosophy or a belief.
Yes, "philosopher" is a concrete noun because it refers to a person who engages in the study or practice of philosophy, which is a tangible concept that can be observed and understood through specific actions and attributes.
Abstract noun of 'DEEP' is 'DEPTH'. An abstract noun is a noun that refers to an idea or a general quality. It does not refer to a physical object. Some of the examples of abstract nouns are: goodness, freedom, wisdom, brilliance, poverty, justice, philosophy, anger, peace, happiness, calm, etc.
The word "philosophical" can function as an adjective.
If you were wise people, you'd be teaching your sons philosophy is the English equivalent of 'Si sapientes essetis filios philosophiam doceretis'. In the word by word translation, the conjunction 'si' means 'if'. The adjective 'sapientes' used as a noun means 'wise persons'. The verb 'essetis' means '[you all] were [but you're not]'. The noun 'filios' means 'sons'. The noun 'philosophiam' means 'philosophy'.