Some believe it is, some believe it isn't. The fact is that the cornerstone of life, the foundation, is conflict, and in all conflict there are winners and losers. Where you land is how you view it.
Life isn't fair, life is unjust, life is unequal, life is unpredictable.
People often say "life isn't fair" to acknowledge that things don't always turn out in a just or equitable way, despite our expectations or efforts. It is a reminder that challenges and obstacles are a natural part of life, and that we may not always receive the outcomes we believe we deserve.
There is no definitive evidence that life is fair to all, as fairness is subjective and can vary greatly depending on individual perspectives and experiences. However, some argue that opportunities for personal growth, resilience, and self-awareness in the face of challenges can be seen as evidence that life offers lessons and opportunities to all individuals, regardless of circumstance.
"The unexamined life is not worth living" is a cornerstone principle of the philosophy of Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher. He believed that self-reflection and critical thinking were essential for a meaningful and fulfilling life.
The ethos of fair trade is centered around ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and sustainable practices for producers in developing countries. It aims to promote social and environmental responsibility in global trade by prioritizing the well-being of workers and communities. Fair trade principles also emphasize transparency, empowerment, and collaboration between producers and consumers.
I think it was Bill Gates, from his rules of life. "Life is not fair; get used to it"
Life isn't fair, life is unjust, life is unequal, life is unpredictable.
who says "life is fair"?, no one because it's true! Life isn't fair. bad things will happen to people no matter what. it's called "Life". we have to deal with it.
Because life is not fair
It is not fair to have to go back but then life isn't fair either!
Such Is Life at a County Fair - 1921 was released on: USA: 19 February 1921
that's not fair
Life isn't fair. But high school is just cruel -- trust me.
Because it's the right thing to do.
life's not fair - why should taxes be?
Life is what it is. and with luck you can make it approach what you want it to be, Fair and unfair really doesn't come in to it. Thats not you say it.. you should be happy with what you have..
1.To calculate the fair market fair rent 2. To Calculate Y.P. for life interest 3. To Capitalize the rent using Y.P. for life interest.