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Challenging authority can be beneficial in promoting change, progress, and accountability. However, it is important to do so respectfully and constructively, without causing harm or promoting chaos. It can lead to important discussions and advancements in society.

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Q: Is challenging authority a good thing?
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How did philosophers challenge the authority?

Philosophers challenged authority by questioning established beliefs, norms, and systems of power. They often critiqued the ruling class, religious institutions, and societal structures in order to promote critical thinking and social change. Philosophers sought to empower individuals to think for themselves and challenge oppressive authority.

What did the enlightenment thinkers stress about?

Enlightenment thinkers stressed the importance of reason, science, individual rights, and the pursuit of knowledge and progress. They believed in challenging traditional authority and promoting equality, liberty, and democracy.

Enlightenment thinkers shared what belief?

Enlightenment thinkers shared the belief in reason as the primary source of authority and knowledge, challenging traditional notions of authority such as the church and monarchy. They also promoted individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech and religion, as well as the idea of progress through education and the advancement of science and technology.

What was a lesson that the enlightenment taught to people?

One lesson the Enlightenment taught was the importance of reason, evidence, and critical thinking in understanding the world. It emphasized the power of human intellect in challenging traditional authority, superstition, and ignorance. Additionally, the Enlightenment promoted individualism, human rights, and the value of education for all.

What was the belief in the enlightenment thinkers?

Enlightenment thinkers believed in reason, science, and individual liberty as fundamental principles for progress and social development. They emphasized the importance of challenging traditional authority and promoting the ideas of equality, democracy, and human rights.

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How do you form sentence with authority?

I'm not challenging your authority. Let's call the proper authority.

Why is authority good?

authority is good because we are controlled, we will be safe and usally good. but with bad authority people will take controll and do what they want. is that a good thing? people would fight and there would be nobody to stop it.

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The most challenging thing is surgery.

Why did people in the mid 1500s begin challenging traditional believes and authority figures?

People in the mid 1500s began challenging traditional believes and authority figures because they were undergoing changes

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the most challenging thing is getting everything right! you get one thing but then another just slips away.

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the most challenging thing i had expereinced in my life was when i got drunk it was not that easy because i wasa not prepared.

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one thing that will be challenging for windows 8 is the fact that it heavly relies on the cloud.

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Controlling the animals

What would be the most challenging thing in photography?

I always found the most challenging thing in photography was the next think I was going to photograph. What I had done was in the past and behind me, the future was always a challenge.

What is the most intellectually challenging thing you are looking for in a job and why?

Paper writing.

What does the story of Prometheus have in common with the tower of babel?

Both stories involve humans challenging or defying the gods. In the story of Prometheus, he steals fire from the gods to give to humans, defying Zeus's authority. In the story of the Tower of Babel, humans attempt to build a tower to reach the heavens, challenging God's power and authority.