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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Inductive reasoning creates a conclusion that is likely to be true based on the evidence or patterns observed. It involves making generalizations from specific observations to form a broader understanding. However, the conclusion reached through inductive reasoning is not guaranteed to be true, as it is based on probability rather than certainty.

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Q: Inductive reasoning creates a conclusion that's likely to be?
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What inductive reasoning creates a conclusion that's likely?

Inductive reasoning derives a likely conclusion based on a pattern or trend observed in specific instances. It moves from specific observations to generalizations, assuming that what holds true for the observed cases will likely hold true for similar cases in the future.

Reasoning leads to a conclusion that's likely to be correct A Deductive B Analogous C Developmental D Inductive?

D. Inductive. Inductive reasoning involves developing a conclusion based on specific examples or observations, making it likely to be correct but not guaranteed.

What is a conclusion drawn by using inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning draws a conclusion based on observed patterns or evidence. For example, if every time you eat strawberries you get a stomach ache, you may conclude that you are allergic to strawberries. This conclusion is based on multiple instances of observation leading to a likely generalization.

What is a logical conclusion?

A logical conclusion is a judgment or result reached through reasoning and evidence that follows logically from the premises or information presented. It is the final step in the process of deductive or inductive reasoning where one can infer what is most likely or probable based on the information available.

Inductive or deductive?

Inductive reasoning involves creating generalizations based on specific observations, moving from specific instances to broader principles. Deductive reasoning involves starting with general principles and applying them to specific instances to draw conclusions.

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Inductive reasoning leads to a conclusion that?

likely to be true.

What inductive reasoning creates a conclusion that's likely?

Inductive reasoning derives a likely conclusion based on a pattern or trend observed in specific instances. It moves from specific observations to generalizations, assuming that what holds true for the observed cases will likely hold true for similar cases in the future.

What kind of reasoning leads to a conclusion that's likely to be correct?

Inductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning leads to a conclusion that's what to be true?


Reasoning leads to a conclusion that's likely to be correct A Deductive B Analogous C Developmental D Inductive?

D. Inductive. Inductive reasoning involves developing a conclusion based on specific examples or observations, making it likely to be correct but not guaranteed.

Reasoning leads to a conclusion that's likely to be correct?

Inductive true.

In reasoning the conclusion derived from the premise is likely to be valid but is not necessarily so?


What is a conclusion drawn by using inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning draws a conclusion based on observed patterns or evidence. For example, if every time you eat strawberries you get a stomach ache, you may conclude that you are allergic to strawberries. This conclusion is based on multiple instances of observation leading to a likely generalization.

What is a logical conclusion?

A logical conclusion is a judgment or result reached through reasoning and evidence that follows logically from the premises or information presented. It is the final step in the process of deductive or inductive reasoning where one can infer what is most likely or probable based on the information available.

Is deductive reasoning more important than inductive reasoning?

Both are equally important. Inductive reasoning is when one makes a conclusion based on patterns; deductive reasoning is based on a hypothesis already believed to be true. However, deductive reasoning does give a more "solid" conclusion because as long as the hypothesis is true, the conclusion will most likely to be true. An example is saying that all dogs are big; Harry is a dog, so it must be big. Since the hypothesis all dogs are big is false, Harry may not necessarily be big. If I change my hypothesis to be all dogs are mammals, thus concluding that Harry is a mammal since it is a dog, I would be correct, for I changed my hypothesis to a true fact. Using inductive reasoning, on the other hand, may result in a false conclusion. For example, since I am a human and I have brown hair, one could use inductive reasoning to say all humans have brown hair, which would be false. So, to sum it up, both inductive and deductive reasoning are important, but deductive reasoning is usually more reliable since as long as the hypothesis one's conclusion is based on is true, the conclusion itself will usually be true.

What best describes inductive resoning?

Inductive reasoning is a process of drawing generalized conclusions based on specific observations or evidence. It involves making a hypothesis or generalization that is likely but not guaranteed to be true. This type of reasoning is probabilistic and does not provide absolute certainty.

When the reasonings flows from specific observations to a geral conclusion what kind of reasoning is utilized?

answer: likely