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The words "sanctity" and "enlightenment" suggest that Allen views the human conscience and debate with reverence and importance. Their positive connotations convey a tone of respect and wisdom toward these concepts, indicating that Allen values ethical integrity and intellectual growth in his editorial.

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Q: In His Editorial Allen Talks About The sanctity Of The Human Conscience And The enlightenment That Comes From Debate. Explain How The Connotations Of These Words Convey His Tone?
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In his editorial Allen talks about the sanctity of human conscience and the enlightenment that comes from debate. Explain how the connotations of these words convey his tone.?

The use of words like "sanctity" and "enlightenment" convey a tone of reverence and importance towards human conscience and the value of debate. Allen's choice of language suggests a deep respect for individual beliefs and the power of rational discourse to bring about greater understanding and progress.

Can sancity be used in a sentence?

Yes, "The ancient ruins held a sense of sanctity that enveloped the visitors in a peaceful and reverent atmosphere."

What is the ethical viewpoint that leads to this opinion?

Utilitarianism is the ethical viewpoint that promotes actions that bring the greatest overall happiness or pleasure to the greatest number of people. This could lead to the opinion that decisions should be made based on maximizing overall well-being or utility for the majority, even if it may cause harm to a minority.

What does sanity of life mean?

The sanity of life refers to a state of mental well-being and stability that allows an individual to navigate and cope with the challenges and complexities of life in a healthy manner. It involves having a sense of purpose, meaning, and balance in one's daily existence, contributing to overall happiness and fulfillment.

Edmund Burke and the importance of aristocracy?

Edmund Burke believed that the aristocracy played a crucial role in society as a stabilizing force that provided continuity, wisdom, and leadership. He argued that the aristocracy's experience and sense of duty were essential for maintaining order and preserving traditions. Burke emphasized the role of the aristocracy in balancing the power of the monarchy and safeguarding against the dangers of radical changes.

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In his editorial Allen talks about the sanctity of human conscience and the enlightenment that comes from debate. Explain how the connotations of these words convey his tone.?

The use of words like "sanctity" and "enlightenment" convey a tone of reverence and importance towards human conscience and the value of debate. Allen's choice of language suggests a deep respect for individual beliefs and the power of rational discourse to bring about greater understanding and progress.

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The sanctity of the pyramids was violated by thieves.

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The church provided a sanctity for refugees.

When was Sanctity - band - created?

Sanctity - band - was created in 2000.

How do you put sanctity in a sentence?

The church provided a sanctity for the refugees.

When was Sanctity of Brothers created?

Sanctity of Brothers was created on 2006-08-08.

What problems does the sanctity of life create for us?

We are the problem. The sanctity of life is not a problem for us.

What are the release dates for Sanctity - 2009?

Sanctity - 2009 was released on: USA: 1 March 2009 (limited)

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When was German Reformed Sanctity Church Parsonage created?

German Reformed Sanctity Church Parsonage was created in 1767.

Use a sentence with the word sanctity?

Many great religious leaders have been known for their sanctity in the specific religion that they are a part of.

What does judaism believe about the sanctity of life?

The sanctity of life stems from the fact that it is purposeful and God-given (Genesis 2:7).