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As an ascetic, I would focus on simplicity, self-discipline, and spiritual growth. I would practice meditation, cultivate mindfulness, live minimally, and prioritize service to others. My lifestyle would revolve around inner peace, detachment from material possessions, and a deeper connection with the divine.

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Q: If you were a ascetic what would you do?
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What is a synonym for ascetic?

Ascetic is a word often used in a religious context, meaning "severely self-disciplined and abstaining from all forms of indulgence". One synonym is "austere".

Who was the greek thinker who lived in a barrel?

The Greek thinker who lived in a barrel was Diogenes of Sinope. He chose to live a simple and ascetic lifestyle to reject the materialistic values of society and promote self-sufficiency. Diogenes was known for his philosophical teachings, particularly on the virtues of self-control and living in harmony with nature.

How do you think siddhartha gautamas father felt about his sons work?

Siddhartha Gautama's father, King Suddhodana, initially opposed his son's decision to renounce his privileged life and pursue spiritual enlightenment as a wandering ascetic. However, he eventually came to respect Siddhartha's dedication and teachings, leading to a reconciliation between them.

Who is Diagonese?

Diogenes of Sinope was an ancient Greek philosopher and one of the most famous proponents of the philosophy of Cynicism. He famously lived a simple and ascetic lifestyle, rejecting social norms and material possessions. Diogenes is best known for his search for an honest man with his lantern in broad daylight, illustrating his belief in the rarity of true virtue.

According to Socrates what necessary social function does he serve?

Socrates believed his main social function was to engage in dialogue and question people's beliefs in order to help them discover the truth and lead a more examined life. He saw himself as a philosophical midwife who assisted others in giving birth to their own ideas and understanding.