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This quote by John F. Kennedy suggests that while it may be difficult to resolve our conflicts at the moment, we can still strive to create an environment where diversity is welcomed and valued. By promoting diversity, we can work towards a world where different perspectives and beliefs are respected, leading to a more inclusive and understanding society.

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Q: If we cannot now end our differences at least we can help make the world safe for diversity and meaning of this quote?
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What is Meaning of subsidiarity in filipino?

In Filipino, subsidiarity means "subsidiary," or referring to something that is of secondary or lesser importance. It can also refer to the principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority.

The features of a compare and contrast essay include I. discussion and analysis of at least two different subjects II. details about each subject III. a purpose or goal that comparing and contrasting?

A compare and contrast essay typically includes the discussion and analysis of at least two different subjects, providing details about each subject, and aiming to demonstrate the similarities and differences between them. This type of essay helps the writer to present a clear purpose or goal for comparing and contrasting the chosen subjects.

Did Marc Aurele write Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can change and the wisdom to know the difference?

This is the Serenity Prayer and attribution of it is in dispute. It has existed since at least the mid-1930's and perhaps as long ago as the 19th century.

Difference between information and knowledge?

Information is data that is processed and organized to convey meaning, while knowledge is the understanding and application of that information in a specific context. Information can be transmitted through various sources, while knowledge is the result of interpreting and internalizing that information.

Is it possible for life to continue and be sustained without evolution?

Yes, life can continue and be sustained without evolution, but evolution plays a significant role in the adaptation and diversification of species over time. Without evolution, species may struggle to adapt to changing environments, which could potentially lead to their extinction.

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Unity can mean "oneness" or harmony or all in agreement. Diversity can mean differences or variety. Unity amidst diversity means peace. For instance a symphony is great because of all the differences in the individual instruments. Or the body works because of the differentiation of the different tissues. The different tissues have their own jobs to do, but in doing them in connection with other tissues they are working toward a common good or goal. This is a difficult concept to obtain in a political state, but it is tried and accomplished for at least a period of time until the opposing factions break apart from the whole.

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more chances of survival

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