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if it was a blatant (obious) lie then I wouldn't

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This statement creates a paradox because if the second statement is a lie, then the first statement must be a lie as well. In a logical sense, this situation is contradictory.

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2y ago

no, because the 2nd thing is a lie

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Q: If the second thing i said was a lie and the first thing i said was the truth would you believe me?
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What is the meaning of truth according to St. Thomas Aquinas' concept of truth?

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, truth is the conformity of the mind to reality. It is the correspondence between what we believe and what actually exists in the world. Truth is objective and independent of our beliefs or perceptions.

Do people believe there are no absolute truth and justice?

Yes, some people believe that truth and justice are not absolute concepts but are dependent on perspectives and contexts. They argue that what is considered true or just can vary between cultures, societies, and individuals. This perspective is often associated with postmodern and relativist philosophies.

What is the first truth of which Descartes is certain?

"I think, therefore I am" is the first truth of which Descartes is certain. This statement, known as cogito ergo sum, demonstrates Descartes' method of doubt by acknowledging that even if all his perceptions are false, his ability to doubt and think proves his existence as a thinking being.

What is the truth?

Truth is the correspondence between what is believed or claimed and what actually exists or happens in reality. It is objective and independent of individual beliefs or opinions. Seeking truth involves critical thinking and an openness to new information and perspectives.

Is the pursuit of truth always the right thing to do?

The pursuit of truth is generally admirable and important for personal growth and understanding of the world. However, there may be situations where pursuing truth could cause harm or conflict, so it's important to consider the context and potential consequences of seeking truth in each situation.

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What book does Cara appear in in the sword of truth series?

I believe she first appeared in the second book Stone of Tears.

What are the terms for enlightenment in each religion?

First Noble Truth, Second Noble Truth, Third Noble Truth and Fourth Noble Truth are the terms of enlightenment in each religion.

How do you pronounce vermouth?

ver-MOOTH First syllable rhymes with "her" and "fur." Second rhymes with "truth."

When was Don't Believe the Truth created?

Don't Believe the Truth was created on 2005-05-30.

Why do people Believe a lie before they believe the truth?

Because a lie is easier to accept than the truth. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow!

Why dont people believe me when I'm telling the truth?

if u want to make someone believe your lie first you have to deceive yourself by making yourself believe what you are going to say is the truth and say whatever you want to say with confidence

If the scientific theories keep changing where is the truth?

Personally, I believe no one sees truth in its most perfect and purest form. We interpret what we see, we interpret what we hear, and we interpret what we read, and we call that truth (or reality). Really, its a perception sometimes based on fact and sometimes not. Perceptions can be correct and on target, and sometimes the farthest thing form the truth. It's just a perception. One thing I believe we can count on is that if there is anything unchanging and stead fast, it is change itself. Change is inevitable. It will always occur.

Is it true that no one has actually said the truth on Wikianswers and has only answered by what they think is true?

true! But to really understand that answer, you must first define what truth is for you. Most people will agree that there is no such thing as an universal truth.

First oasis album called?

Definately, Maybe-- the gratest debut album, so they say. I believe the truth.

Are the people of Colorado attractive in general?

We generally believe that to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

How can you break a spell or curse from your life?

The truth is that there is no such thing as a spell or a curse - UNLESS YOU BELIEVE IT. Thus to break the spell or curse, simply stop believing in them.

Do you believe that venzetti was telling the truth in his final statement Give reasons for your answer?

No. I do not believe that venzetti was telling the truth in his final statement.