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Jaspers wrote "Philosophy means to be on the way. Its questions are more essential than its answers, and every answer becomes a new question" in Way to Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. I don't think Wittgenstein would have said anything like that.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

The idea that questions are more important than answers is often attributed to Karl Jaspers. He believed that questioning and inquiry into the nature of existence were fundamental aspects of human existence. Wittgenstein also emphasized the importance of questioning in his philosophy, but he did not explicitly state that questions were more important than answers.

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Q: I recall a philosophy professor attributing this to Karl Jaspers and another crediting Wittgenstein... Who said questions are more important than answers?
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Is it important that a person's philosophy should be based on what?

Yes, it is important that a person's philosophy is based on reason, logic, and critical thinking. A well-founded philosophy helps individuals make informed decisions, navigate life's challenges, and develop a meaningful worldview.

Why is Socrates important?

Socrates is important because he played a crucial role in the development of Western philosophy. He is known for his Socratic method of questioning, which aimed at stimulating critical thinking and self-examination. His teachings and ideas have had a lasting influence on philosophy and education.

Who is not considered a founder of modern philosophy?

Socrates is not considered a founder of modern philosophy. While he is an important figure in the history of philosophy, modern philosophy is typically traced back to the 17th century with thinkers like RenΓ© Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

How important is your philosophy of education to your future career as a teacher?

Your philosophy of education is crucial to your effectiveness as a teacher as it shapes your approach to teaching, learning, and student interaction. It guides how you design curriculum, assess students, and create a positive learning environment. Your philosophy of education influences your teaching style and how you engage with students, ultimately impacting your success and satisfaction as a teacher.

Philosophy is important?

Philosophy helps us to critically think, question assumptions, and engage with complex ideas and ethical dilemmas. It can deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves, fostering intellectual growth and expanding our perspectives.

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Ludwig Wittgenstein was an Austrian-British philosopher born in 1889. He had a particularly strong interest in the philosophy of language. He released "Philosophical Investigations" in 1953, a work on language philosophy described as a "crossover masterpiece" by the Baruch Poll in 1999.

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It is important because it is the biography of a person or oneself.

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Wittgenstein was one of the most influential philosophers of our time. He said that most of the philosophical misunderstandings arise because of language misunderstandings. We often find ourselfs argue / disagree on things we cannot accurately define. For example we may argue about questions like "Does God exist?", "What is the meaning of life?" etc, without knowing what "God" or "Life" actually is! That is happening all the time when we think about such big metaphysican questions and that is why Wittgenstein is so relative to each and everyone of us. However we must note that Wittgenstein thought that the things for which we cannot speak, are actually the most important ones...

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Is it important that a person's philosophy should be based on what?

Yes, it is important that a person's philosophy is based on reason, logic, and critical thinking. A well-founded philosophy helps individuals make informed decisions, navigate life's challenges, and develop a meaningful worldview.

Why was confucian philosophy teachings important?

the teaching influenced the civilization

Why is Greek rationalism important to the Greeks?

Philosophy was central to the Greeks in that it shaped their lives, culture and politics. Much of democracy was based on philosophy.

What are the uses of philosophy?

Philosophy is what makes us man. Because we can think of things other than survival, we think of philosophy. Philosophy also allows others to think about life, make their thoughts public, and help learn. Philosophy is important to math, science, and physiologic areas.

How is philosophy applied to the modern world?

Philosophy is the expression of man's basic curiosity toward the world, and also the genesis of the most important intellectual disciplines. Science used to be called natural philosophy. Politics is and has always been informed by philosophy, and philosophy will continue to guide political theory. It is important that we study philosophy because it offers us a history of human thought. By studying philosophy we can speculate confidently on the direction in which we as individuals, communities, nations and global citizens are headed, whether or not there is a better direction, and how we are to travel it.