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Not very well. To begin with, the idealization of Athens as the 'birthplace of democracy" is largely a 19th century invention of the poet Lord Byron who was an ardent supporter of Greece's struggle against the Ottoman Empire and who tried to win over the European powers to support Greece's independence efforts.

In reality, Athens - for a relatively short period - had a form of democracy consisting of mass meeting consultation on a limited number of subjects, but the real power remained with the ruling families of Athens who saw to it that all power remained firmly in their hands.

Athens' ideals mostly revolved around dominance, expansion and trade and they never even tried to institute their brand of democracy in other city-States or even in their own colonies. Athens was an Olicharchy and was happy to see power concentrated in the hands of a few powerful families elsewhere as well.

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Athens fell short of its ideals in several ways. Despite promoting democracy and equality among citizens, it had a slave-based economy, limited political rights for women, and often engaged in imperialistic actions. The presence of these contradictions highlights the challenges of fully realizing idealistic principles in practice.

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who was the well-educated woman who taught public speaking in Athens?

Aspasia was the well-educated woman who taught public speaking in Athens. She was known for her intelligence and wit, and she was also a famous companion of the Athenian statesman Pericles.

What gave the most education to boys Athens or Sparta?

Sparta focused more on military training and physical conditioning for boys from a young age, while Athens emphasized a broader education including subjects like math, philosophy, and arts. Therefore, Athens provided a more well-rounded education for boys compared to Sparta.

Did Athens or Sparta put more emphasis on wisdom?

Athens put more emphasis on wisdom compared to Sparta. Athens was known for its focus on education, philosophy, and the pursuit of knowledge, while Sparta prioritized military training and physical prowess. The Athenians valued intellectual pursuits and believed that knowledge and wisdom were key to a well-rounded individual and society.

What are the Similarities between education Sparta and Athens?

Both Sparta and Athens placed importance on education, but they had different focuses. Sparta emphasized physical training and military education, preparing its citizens for warfare. Meanwhile, Athens valued intellectual and cultural development, with a focus on subjects like philosophy, arts, and sciences, aiming to produce well-rounded individuals.

What evidence do you see that joaquin is a hero with high ideals?

Joaquin's actions consistently prioritize the well-being and rights of others over personal gain. He shows courage, selflessness, and dedication to fighting for justice and equality. Joaquin's integrity, empathy, and willingness to make sacrifices for a greater cause highlight his heroism and commitment to high ideals.

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How well did the Athens live up to its ideals?

yea ur cool

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Well, Athens won but were atcked by Sparta soon after. !

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that's the sisten was all goignas well

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