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Both. Major and serious thought should be done alone or in very small groups, but discussion in open and wide groups is necessary to exchange ideas and collect opinions on a subject.

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2mo ago

Philosophy can be done both alone and with others. Engaging in philosophical discussions with others can provide different perspectives and insights, while solitary reflection allows for deeper introspection and contemplation. Ultimately, the best approach depends on the individual's preferences and goals in pursuing philosophical inquiry.

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Q: How should philosophy be done - alone or with others?
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Does philosophy and purpose mean the same thing?

No, philosophy and purpose are not the same thing. Philosophy refers to the study of fundamental truths and principles, whereas purpose refers to the reason for which something is done or created. Philosophy can help individuals explore and understand their purpose in life, but they are distinct concepts.

What are the Function of philosophy as normative?

Normative philosophy seeks to establish what should be valued, believed, or done. It provides frameworks for moral and ethical decision-making, examines concepts of justice and fairness, and explores ways to improve society by establishing norms and standards to guide human behavior. Ultimately, normative philosophy aims to contribute to the development of a more ethical and just society.

How can you become ethical in your life?

To become more ethical in your life, you can start by developing a strong moral compass and being aware of how your actions affect others. Engage in self-reflection to understand your values and beliefs, and strive to act in alignment with them consistently. Practice empathy, compassion, and integrity in your interactions with others, and make conscious choices that prioritize fairness and respect for all individuals.

What did he try to do with theology and ancient philosophy?

He attempted to bridge theology and ancient philosophy by integrating religious beliefs with philosophical reasoning. This was done in an effort to reconcile faith and reason, and create a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of existence and human experience.

What are exampes of honesty?

Telling the truth when asked about something. Admitting when you have made a mistake or done something wrong. Being transparent and forthcoming in your communication with others.

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false fool (:

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The commanded act was brought about in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is an action of some human faculty or power, that is directed by the free will to do or not do what should or should not be done.

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You do both. Some tasks require working in a team but others are done alone.

Do the others as you would be done others?

well im not sure what your question is but the bible says do unto others that which you wish should be done unto you. in other words treat people how you would like to be treated

What command acts?

The commanded act was brought about in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is an action of some human faculty or power, that is directed by the free will to do or not do what should or should not be done.

What is done is done is from?

don't hurt them leave them alone

Will Delta Airlines allow an over 12 person to travel alone?

Yes. Apply for an unaccompanied minor pass. It must be done in advance. It should not be done on the day.

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Trick question....your mum?

What does sulitary mean?

"Solitary" means being alone or isolated, without companionship or company. It can also refer to something done or carried out independently or without the involvement of others.

What is your philosophy towards work?

My philosophy toward work is that I can show and contribute my ability, skill, responsibility, interest to and it brings me the corresponding result of what I have done.

What has to be done to protect the elephant's habitat?

leave them alone

What literary term is used for Macbeth Stands Alone And Speaks?

The term used when anyone is alone on the stage and speaks is soliloquy. Macbeth has a dandy soliloquy in act 1 scene 7 when he comes onto the stage alone and says, "If it were done when 'tis done, it were well it were done quickly."