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Odysseus tests the suitors when he asks them to give him food (remember that he is disguised as a beggar). Now he can see who is "guilty" or "not guilty."

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Odysseus tests the suitors by disguising himself as a beggar and observing their behavior towards him. He also sets up a challenge involving his great bow, with the condition that only someone strong enough to string the bow can marry Penelope. This test ultimately reveals the true nature of the suitors.

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Why does Penelope give the suitors this test?

Penelope gives the suitors the test of stringing Odysseus's bow to find out who is truly worthy of her and to stall for time, hoping that Odysseus will return. It also allows her to further test the suitors' qualities and intentions towards her and her home.

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No; the test of stringing Odysseus bow and shooting a arrow was Odysseus's own idea.

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Odysseus kills the suitors in the Great Hall in his palace.

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Odysseus, his son, and the loyal staff kill all the suitors.

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Telemachus would likely view Odysseus as a skilled and powerful figure if he were the target of the suitors' practice shots. He would respect his father's ability to withstand such attacks and possibly see it as a test of Odysseus's resilience and strength. Telemachus may also be proud of his father for enduring these challenges posed by the suitors.

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How did the suitors treat the disguised Odysseus?

Most of the suitors ignored Odysseus. Some of the suitors treated him decently as a beggar, giving him some bread and some soup. Some suitors, like Antinuous, abused Odysseus verbally. Antinous threw a footstool at Odysseus.

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they kill the suitors

Why does Odysseus suggest that Penelope test her maids?

While he was dressed as a beggar, he saw one of the maids consorting with Penelope's suitor. Odysseus suggested that Penelope test which of her maids are faithful to her and not her suitors.

What test did Penelope set up for the suitors?

Penelope set up a test for the suitors involving Odysseus' bow. She challenged them to string the bow and shoot an arrow through a row of twelve axe heads. Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, was the only one who successfully completed the challenge.

When did Odysseus fond out about the suitors in his house?

Odysseus ,his son , and the loyal staff kill all the suitors

How many suitors did Odysseus kill?

The exact number is not given, but Odysseus killed the majority of the 108 suitors.