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Odysseus shows that he is caring by demonstrating loyalty and love for his family, particularly his wife Penelope and son Telemachus. He also shows compassion for those who are suffering, such as his compassion for the old dog Argos upon returning to Ithaca. Additionally, Odysseus displays empathy and understanding towards those he encounters on his journey, such as the cyclops Polyphemus.

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Q: How does Odysseus show that he is caring?
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What is the possessive of Odysseus Odysseus' or Odysseus's?

Both "Odysseus'" and "Odysseus's" are correct ways to show possession. "Odysseus'" is more commonly used in formal writing, while "Odysseus's" is more common in casual writing.

What was Odysseus reasoning as he called out to Polyphemus's that he Odysseus was the one who put out his eye?

Odysseus called out to Polyphemus that he was the one who blinded him as a tactical move to boast and reveal his identity. This was a strategic decision by Odysseus to show his cunning and attempt to gain favor with the Cyclops. However, it ultimately led to further conflict and challenges for Odysseus and his crew.

Who proves himself to be a good servant from the odyssey?

Eumaeus is considered a good servant in the Odyssey. He is loyal to Odysseus, caring for his home and son Telemachus during his absence. Despite being mistreated by the suitors, Eumaeus remains steadfast in his loyalty and devotion to his master.

What details of this speech show that Polyphemus is far less clever than Odysseus?

Polyphemus is easily outwitted by Odysseus when the latter tricks him by giving a false name ("Nobody"). Additionally, Polyphemus falls for Odysseus' plan by believing that the sheep in his flock are actually his men escaping. Lastly, his boastfulness and lack of insight make him vulnerable to Odysseus' cunning tactics.

What does Odysseus refuse to do during his struggle with the suitors?

During his struggle with the suitors, Odysseus refuses to back down or compromise his position as rightful king of Ithaca. He also refuses to reveal his true identity until the right moment.

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by waiting for odysseus and then he dies

What is the possessive of Odysseus Odysseus' or Odysseus's?

Both "Odysseus'" and "Odysseus's" are correct ways to show possession. "Odysseus'" is more commonly used in formal writing, while "Odysseus's" is more common in casual writing.

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In the epic of the cyclops Odysseus stands up for his men.

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To prove to then that he is in fact Odysseus and not an impostor.

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Why do Odysseus and his men expect that they will have a warm reception from the Cyclops?

Ancient Greeks believed they must show 'xenia' in order not to dis-please the gods, therefore people treated strangers very well, with food, water and general hospitality. Polythemus and the other cyclops' were much unlike other greek beings as they were not god-fearing, therefore not caring about showing xenia to Odysseus and his men. Obviously Odysseus did not kow this and presumed they would have a warm reception.

How does Odysseus show his cunning?

Blinds Cyclops yay

Why does Odysseus sit in the ashes?

To show he is a human Not a god

How does Zeus show his support for Odysseus?

In the story the Odyssey, Zeus orders Calypso release Odysseus from Calypso's island. Zeus was convinced by the goddess, Athena, to help Odysseus.

Why did Odysseus extend his description of the adventure?

To show courage TO HIS ARMY

How did Odysseus travel from place to place?

He Had Someone To Show Him The Way

How do you show that you are a caring person?

The best way to show this trait is by your actions. You can't simply state this.