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This question is not seriously contemplated by sane people. It is time-wasting sophistry, worthy only of solipsists, deeply depressed people, and those on LSD. See also:

Were we created?

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8y ago
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5mo ago

One way to determine one's existence is through self-awareness and consciousness. The ability to think, perceive, and have experiences indicates the existence of an individual. Additionally, interactions with the external world and feedback from others can also confirm one's existence.

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15y ago

Pinch yourself. If it causes you pain, you exist. ---- Philosophical answer: I think therefore I am

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Q: How do you know you exist?
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i have no clue why they exist but when u get a snswer let me know.

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We do not even know that God exists, and this is just a matter of faith. We therefore can not 'know' that angels, the biblical messengers of God, exist.