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Islam influenced Songhai in various ways including shaping the society, culture, and legal system. Islamic teachings influenced the political structure of Songhai, with Islamic beliefs and principles being integrated into the governance of the empire. Additionally, Islamic scholarship and education were promoted, leading to the establishment of Islamic learning centers in the region.

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Q: How do Islam effect Songhai?
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Did songhai rulers reject Islam?

Some Songhai rulers did not reject Islam. Some rulers, like Sonni Ali, initially resisted the spread of Islam in their territories but eventually converted to Islam themselves. Other rulers, like Askia Muhammad, actively promoted Islam and made it the official religion of the Songhai Empire.

How did Islam affect Songhai?

Upper classes converted to Islam!

What was the influence of Islam on songhai?

Islam had a significant influence on the Songhai Empire, affecting its political structure, legal system, and cultural practices. Islamic scholars played a key role in advising rulers and shaping government policies. The empire adopted Islamic laws and practices, which helped unify the diverse population under a common religious framework. Additionally, the spread of Islam facilitated trade networks and cultural exchanges across the region.

How did the Islam affect the Songhai Empire?

Islam influenced the Songhai Empire by becoming the dominant religion, shaping its laws, culture, and social structure. Islamic scholars influenced education and governance in the empire, and trade networks expanded due to connections with other Muslim societies. However, adopting Islam also led to conflicts with traditional African beliefs and practices.

What things did Askia do to strengthen Islam in Songhai?

Askia strengthened Islam in Songhai by implementing Sharia law, promoting Islamic education, establishing mosques and schools, and making the pilgrimage to Mecca. He also supported Islamic scholars and embraced Islamic culture, leading to its widespread acceptance in the region.

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Islam gained influence in Songhai under Askiya the Great. He established Islam as the state religion and made efforts to spread and consolidate its influence throughout the empire, making it a central part of Songhai political and social life.

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They supported Islam.

How did the leaders of songhai strenghen Islam and the Arabic language in west Africa?

Askia muhammid took control of songhai ,he set out to conquer new lands and spread islam even farther