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how did the founders'view of human nature influence the value. they placed on the individual

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

The founders generally believed in the inherent goodness and rationality of individuals, which influenced their view that individual freedom and rights were essential for a just society. They valued the autonomy and abilities of individuals to make decisions for themselves, which informed their emphasis on protecting individual liberties in the founding documents of the United States.

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Q: How did the founders view of human nature influence the value they placed on the individual?
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What Is Different From The Enlightenment and Romanticism?

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement emphasizing reason, science, and individualism, seeking to reform society and advance knowledge. In contrast, Romanticism focused on emotion, nature, and individual experience, reacting against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and valuing intuition and spontaneity. Romanticism placed more emphasis on the power of imagination and the beauty of the natural world.

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The influence of Greek and Roman ideas on the Enlightenment can be seen in the emphasis on reason, logic, and the pursuit of knowledge. Similarly, the Scientific Revolution emphasized observation, experimentation, and empirical evidence in the quest for understanding the natural world. Both periods placed importance on critical thinking and the advancement of knowledge through a systematic and rational approach.

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The water-diamond paradox refers to the apparent contradiction between the high value placed on diamonds and the essential nature of water for human survival. Despite water being indispensable for life, diamonds, which have limited practical use, are often valued more highly. This paradox highlights the subjective and social factors that influence the value assigned to objects.

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Greater value was placed on individual accomplishments. ;)

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Greek humanism is a cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in ancient Greece, emphasizing the importance of human reason, ethics, and creativity. It placed a strong emphasis on the individual's potential for growth and achievement, as well as the pursuit of knowledge and excellence in all areas of life. Greek humanism had a profound influence on Western civilization and shaped the development of philosophy, art, and politics.

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Yes. That is exactly what democracy is. AN individual has the change to make changes by voting and each vote counts.