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The Enlightenment promoted ideas such as reason, individualism, and the rights of the individual. This led people to question traditional authority, resulting in increased freedom of thought, scientific innovation, and the spread of democratic ideas. Overall, the Enlightenment fostered a climate of intellectual growth and progress that impacted various aspects of people's lives, including politics, social structures, and personal beliefs.

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Q: How did the enlightenment change the lives of people?
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The enlightenment ecouraged people to seek guidance on their lives and to shape society by looking at?

The Enlightenment encouraged people to rely on reason and logic rather than traditional authority or superstition to guide their lives. It emphasized individual rights, freedom of thought, and the importance of questioning existing social norms and institutions in order to shape a more rational and just society.

Did the lives of peasants change during the the enlightenment?

During the Enlightenment, there were some improvements in the lives of peasants as new ideas about human rights and social equality gained popularity. However, these changes were limited and varied depending on the country. Peasants still faced many challenges such as poverty, lack of education, and oppressive social structures in most European societies.

How did the enlightenment affect the lives of the majority?

The Enlightenment led to advancements in science, education, and philosophy that improved the quality of life for many people by promoting reason, individual rights, and freedom of expression. It also inspired movements for social and political change, such as the push for democracy and human rights. However, these ideas often primarily benefited the educated, wealthy elite, while the majority of people continued to face challenges such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to education.

What did the enlightenment ideas cause?

The Enlightenment ideas caused a shift towards emphasizing reason, science, and individual rights. This period also spurred movements for liberty, equality, and democratic governance in various parts of the world.

Enlightenment thinker believed in?

Enlightenment thinkers believed that understanding a new truth could change them for the better.

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