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a. Scholar class became ruling elite

b. "Equal-Field" system limited power of aristocracy

Took land away and redistributed it

Land assigned according to rank

Between 13.7 acres and 1370 acres

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5mo ago

Land reform in China redistributed land from landlords to peasants, promoting social equality and reducing rural poverty. It boosted agricultural productivity and improved living standards for millions of peasants, leading to social stability and economic growth in the countryside.

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Q: How did land reform change China for the better?
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Which man abolished slavery and gave land to poor peasants in China?

Mao Zedong abolished slavery and redistributed land to poor peasants through his land reform policies during the early years of the People's Republic of China.

What is the reflection agrarian in the Philippines?

Agrarian reform in the Philippines refers to the redistribution of land ownership and improvement of agricultural productivity. It aims to address social injustices stemming from historical land distribution patterns. The reflection of agrarian reform in the Philippines can be seen through the implementation of laws and programs focused on providing land to landless farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture.

What is the meaning of DAR in Philippines?

DAR stands for Department of Agrarian Reform in the Philippines. It is a government agency responsible for implementing agrarian reform programs, specifically distributing land to landless farmers and promoting agricultural development in the country.

How does the comprehensive agrarian reform program in the Philippines work?

The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program in the Philippines aimed to redistribute agricultural lands to tenant farmers and provide support services to improve their livelihoods. Landowners were compensated with government bonds for the land turned over to their tenants. The program also included provisions for land valuation, land distribution, and support services to ensure the success of the beneficiaries.

Should we have to continue the program of department agrarian reform?

The decision to continue the program of agrarian reform should be based on its effectiveness and impact on addressing land inequality and improving the livelihoods of farmers. It is essential to evaluate the progress of the program and make adjustments as needed to ensure its success in achieving its goals.

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How did Caesar want to change or reform for the better?

Caesar had, among other ideas for change, debt reform and land reform. These were sore spots with the Optimates (his political enemies) and were a factor in his death.

Why did collectivization and land reform happen in china?

Because they needed more goods, and land to put their large population on.

Which man abolished slavery and gave land to poor peasants in China?

Mao Zedong abolished slavery and redistributed land to poor peasants through his land reform policies during the early years of the People's Republic of China.

During the Communist Revolution in China many farmers supported the Communists because the Communists promised?

land reform

What is the difference between agrarian reform and land reform?

Land reform is the change of laws, regulations or customs regarding land ownership. That can include government-initiated property redistribution, transfer of ownership and the rights of the land. Agrarian reform entails everything that land reform does and more. Agrarian reform focuses on broader sets of issues like the overall redirection of the Agrarian system like relationship between production and distribution.

What was one reason for the victory of the communist over the nationalist in china in 1949?

I think The Communists promised land reform to the peasants.

What are the principles involved in agrarian land reform?

principles of land reform

Which country has a better equipped army India or China?

In terms of land forces,China. But in terms of navy, India. Overall China is better equipped than India

How did the Tang change China?

They reconquered land that china had lost since the decline of Han dynasty

Was a reason for communist victory in China?

One reason for a communist victory in China was that the people believed the Communist party's Propaganda and promises. The people of China were poor and the Communist party made promises of land reform but instead they took people's land.

How did the Terrecotta army make china a better place?

they brought order to the land