He has very strong beliefs in god. Belief here means his devotion and true self.
Epistemological is used to describe studying the nature of knowledge and beliefs. For example, "The philosopher's epistemological inquiry challenged traditional views on how we attain knowledge."
An author's beliefs are usually evident in their work, although sometimes quite subtly.Her personal beliefs were not an issue until she started promoting them at the office with fliers, emails and impromptu lectures at random moments.Her family had never been a religious one, so it was not overly difficult for her to adopt her Jewish husband's beliefs when they married.They are only interested in convincing others of their beliefs, not finding the truth.
The church's dogma states that certain beliefs are essential for salvation.
Opinions are personal beliefs or thoughts that can vary greatly from person to person.
The word "ideology" is similar to some of the following words: "Ideals," "morals," "beliefs," "principles," etc. An example of the word "ideology" in a sentence is "Most terrorists who think they are freedom fighters have a warped ideology. "
Not all medieval beliefs have ceased to exist.
This is how I use convolution in a sentence. :D
Sure, I can use "so" at the beginning of a sentence.
you just did =D
you just did :D
My sentence is: cou d' etat is a French sentance. Also: You wrote a sentence using it in your question
He was an ardent follower of gnostic beliefs and precepts.
You Just Did. :D
I am monochromatic! =D
A sect is a group with distinctive religious, political or philosophical beliefs.
You just did ! :D