To succeed means to achieve a desired outcome or goal. It involves accomplishing something that was intended or expected. Success often implies reaching a positive result through effort, skill, or perseverance.
Ferdowsi gives Esfandyar the challenge of The Seven Stages as a test of his character, bravery, and determination. It serves as a way to showcase Esfandyar's virtues and capabilities as a hero in the Shahnameh. By completing the challenge, Esfandyar proves himself worthy of the responsibilities and leadership that come with being a great warrior.
The opposite of complacency is diligence or vigilance. It refers to actively working towards goals, staying alert, and being motivated to improve and succeed.
The quote "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" was said by Martin Luther King Jr. in his book "Strength to Love," published in 1963.
The motto of Pitts Modern School is "Learn, Lead, Succeed."
"As a kshatriya ( a person of the warrior caste, Yudhistira felt it his duty to help the brahmin,"
at the end of these answers
Odysseus's skill in archery and his cleverness enable him to succeed in Penelope's bow challenge. Additionally, his determination, patience, and ability to maintain composure under pressure help him complete the task successfully.
If a NFL Coach wins the challenged play, he still loses one of his two challenges. If both challenges succeed, then the team is awarded a third challenge.
Thats depends in time, experience, challenge, succeed and thats deserve the promotion
She walked into the room with a confident smile, ready to tackle any challenge that came her way.
The Five Pandava Brothers. *Yudhistira *Bhima *Arjuna *NakuLa *Sahadeva
The motto of St Cyres Comprehensive School is 'Strive Together, Challenge Yourself, Realise Everyone can Succeed'.
She faced the challenge with unwavering resolve, determined to succeed no matter the obstacles in her path.
I'll take on the challenge. Do you think I'll be able to succeed? If you go with me, I'll go to the funeral.