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Yes, some slaves lived in quarters on the plantation grounds, close to the main house where the plantation owner lived. Others may have lived in slave quarters removed from the main house. The living conditions for slaves on plantations varied depending on the region and the personal beliefs of the plantation owner.

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Q: Did slaves live in plantation homes?
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How may slaves do the cottage plantation have?

Cottage Plantation did not keep slaves. It was a free labor farm.

Why did plantation owners have so much free time?

Plantation owners had free time because they had slaves performing labor on the plantations, allowing them to delegate tasks and focus on other aspects of managing the estate. Additionally, plantation owners often had access to wealth and resources that enabled them to pursue leisure activities and social engagements.

What was one way plantation owners defended the idea of wining slaves?

Plantation owners often justified owning slaves by claiming it was part of their way of life or culture. They also argued that slaves were needed for the economic success of their plantations and that they were providing a form of care and protection for slaves who would otherwise not survive on their own.

What of these reason plantation owners preferred to have slaves rather than indentured servants?

Plantation owners preferred slaves over indentured servants because slaves were considered property, providing a long-term source of labor with no freedom or rights. Slaves could be inherited and their children born into slavery, ensuring a continuous workforce. In contrast, indentured servants had limited terms of service and some legal protections, making them less profitable and reliable for plantation owners.

Why did the plantation think they needed slaves?

Plantation owners thought they needed slaves to maximize profit by exploiting free labor in agriculture. Slavery allowed them to maintain low production costs and increase their economic gains. Additionally, the plantation system relied on slave labor to sustain large-scale agricultural operations.

Related questions

What was it like for the slaves to live on a cotton plantation?

it was horrid for them

Why did many freed slaves remain on or near their former plantation homes?

They were usually assured of steady employment.

How did the slave lived on the plantation in Jamaica?

The slaves would live in tiny huts in the slaves quaters behind the big house. They would go out to work early and come back late. They would look after their families in these houses, but were not permitted to leave the grounds of their masters homes.

What was a plantation owner?

A plantation owner was a person that owned slaves and a farm that the slaves worked on

What did slaves on a plantation sleep in?

I don't know but i think the slaves on a plantation sleep in poo!

How did slaves live on a plantation?

They didn't. They were killed

What did the plantation owners do on the plantation?

they played with the slaves when the were little and as they grew older (if the dad didn't have a son) they would own the slaves and the plantation

Who lived on?

the plantation owner's family the plantation owner's slaves

Who ran the plantation for the plantation owner?

the overseer ran the plantation maybe buy slaves

How many slaves lived on one plantation?

Know more than 500 slaves lived ina plantation

What is a plantation for slaves?

A plantation is a farm, which produced agricultural products. It was worked by a slave labor force. It is the place where the slaves slept and ate since the plantation was also their home.

What is a plantation owner's life like?

The owner of a plantation is like a business executive, he manages the plantation. Some plantation owners don't even live on the plantation, they come for special events, or to see their slaves or children. Many were mean to their slaves and often whipped them. This made them grumpy and self centered.