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No, Socrates did not win his trial. He was found guilty of corrupting the youth and impiety in ancient Athens, and he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock.

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Q: Did Socrates win his trial
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What was Socrates accused of at the TRIAL?

Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety (not believing in the gods of the city).

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The Apology of Socrates was written by Plato, a student of Socrates. It is a record of Socrates' defense speech at his trial in Athens where he was accused of corrupting the youth and impiety.

What was the result of Socrates trial?

Socrates was found guilty of corrupting the youth and impiety and was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock.

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Socrates' trial was delayed because of unexpected public holidays and religious festivals that interrupted the legal proceedings. Additionally, the Assembly of Athens had to relocate due to a plague outbreak, which also contributed to the delay in his trial.

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He was kept there pending his trial and execution.

What was The Apology written by Plato about?

The defense speech of Socrates on trial.

What are some things Socrates stated in his trial?

At his trial in 399 BC, Socrates stated that he was not afraid of death because he did not know what it truly meant. He also argued that the pursuit of wisdom and the improvement of one's soul should be the highest priorities in life. Socrates famously stated that "the unexamined life is not worth living."

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The Robert Herridge Theater - 1960 The Trial and Death of Socrates 1-26 was released on: USA: 1960

Are there any books on why Socrates committed suicide?

Socrates did not commit suicide; he was sentenced to death by drinking poison as punishment for allegedly corrupting the youth and impiety. There are numerous books that discuss Socrates' trial and the reasons behind his death, such as "The Trial and Death of Socrates" by Plato. These works delve into the philosophical and political factors surrounding his execution.