Etchplanation involves 2 processes namely deep weathering followed by exhumation. Deep weathering refers to rapid chemical weathering and this causes rock paricles to further disintegrate into even smaller particles. This occurs when rainwater enters cracks and crevices in rocks thus exposing the rock to greater surface area of weathering. This process of deep weathering occurs during the warm pliocene period and results in a deep layer of weather materials. Exhumation or removal of weathered materials happens during periglacial times due to flash floods or solifluction. Hence, this can expose the basal surface of weathering ( the limit to weathering- from completely weathered rocks in the upper layers to unjointed basal suface). Outcrop in the basal surface that is exposed in the surface is formed as inselberg. In places whereby there are orthogonal joints, tors may be formed after repeated process of etchplanation. This will exposed corestones that are more resistant to weathering due to more spacious jointing that stack on top of one another to form heaps of boulders 4-20m high. Spheroidal weathering may occur on the side of the corestones (form of exfoliation) resulting in the rounded nature of the core stone.
Etchplanation is a term used in materials science to describe the process of making patterns or structures on a surface by selectively removing material through etching. This can be achieved using techniques such as wet chemical etching, dry etching, or laser ablation, depending on the material and desired pattern. Etchplanation is commonly used in microfabrication and semiconductor manufacturing to create integrated circuits and microelectromechanical systems.
Explicate, elaborate, make clear, describe, define, resolve, clarify, simplify
The human nature perspective is a philosophical viewpoint that seeks to understand and explain the fundamental qualities that define human beings, such as their behaviors, motivations, and beliefs. It explores whether these traits are innate or learned, and how they influence individual actions and societal structures.
A problem statement should clearly define the issue or challenge at hand, explain why it is important to address, and provide context or background information to help understand the problem. It should be specific, concise, and focused to guide problem-solving efforts effectively.
I might explain an idea when someone asks for clarification, when introducing a new concept, or when trying to make something easier to understand.
Teenagers may define responsibility as being accountable for their actions, decisions, and obligations. They see it as taking ownership of their tasks and commitments, as well as understanding the consequences of their choices.
Define and explain public relations as given by Sam Black. Define and explain public relations as given by Sam Black. Define and explain public relations as given by Sam Black. Define and explain public relations as given by Sam Black. Define and explain public relations as given by Sam Black.
Pediplanation is the process where wind-blown sand particles erode surfaces by abrasion, smoothing and planing them down over time. On the other hand, etchplanation refers to the chemical dissolution of mineral surfaces by acidic solutions, resulting in the formation of etch pits or grooves on the surface. Both processes play a role in shaping landscapes through surface erosion and dissolution.
Etchplanation is the dual process of deep weathering followed by exhumation.
define organizational behaviour and explain how it is used in the organizational setting
explain, define
Sugar fermentation is a metabolic process where sugar molecules are broken down by microorganisms such as yeast or bacteria in the absence of oxygen to produce energy. This process typically results in the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide as byproducts. Sugar fermentation is commonly used in food production, such as in the making of bread, beer, and wine.
Explain and Define
I might be able to explain it if you define LHS.
Generally one would "define," and not "explain"a word such as fear.
Explain layer in computer
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