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If you did it wouldn't be a thesis "STATEMENT" would it, it would be a thesis "QUESTION".

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Q: Can you write a question in the thesis statement?
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Can a thesis statement be written as a question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be written as a question. However, it is more common for a thesis statement to be a declarative statement that presents the main idea of the paper. If the question format helps to frame your argument effectively, it can be used.

Can a thesis statement be in the form of a question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be phrased as a question. This type of thesis statement is often used to generate interest and guide the direction of the paper. It should still provide a clear focus and answer the question posed.

How do you write a thesis for Nike's?

To write a thesis on Nike, you could focus on analyzing their marketing strategies, examining their impact on the environment and labor practices, or evaluating their corporate social responsibility initiatives. Be sure to clearly state your main argument or research question in the thesis statement.

Should you turn the thesis statement into a question?

No, you should not turn the thesis statement into a question. The thesis statement is a statement that presents the main idea or argument of an essay, while a question is used to provoke thought or discussion. Keeping the thesis statement as a clear statement helps to provide a focused direction for the rest of the essay.

Can a thesis statement be a question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be a question. This can help to capture the reader's interest and serve as a guiding question that you will explore and answer throughout your paper. Just make sure to provide a clear and specific response to the question posed in your thesis statement.

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Can a question statement be a thesis statement?

No you may not ask any questions in your thesis statement, because the thesis statement basically states your answer to whatever you are doing.

Can a thesis statement be written as a question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be written as a question. However, it is more common for a thesis statement to be a declarative statement that presents the main idea of the paper. If the question format helps to frame your argument effectively, it can be used.

Can a thesis statement be in the form of a question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be phrased as a question. This type of thesis statement is often used to generate interest and guide the direction of the paper. It should still provide a clear focus and answer the question posed.

Can you write a thesis statement in any order?


What is a good thesis statement for leadership?

Write it your self

How do you write a thesis statement on a iPod?

You say hi

How do you write a thesis for Nike's?

To write a thesis on Nike, you could focus on analyzing their marketing strategies, examining their impact on the environment and labor practices, or evaluating their corporate social responsibility initiatives. Be sure to clearly state your main argument or research question in the thesis statement.

Should you turn the thesis statement into a question?

No, you should not turn the thesis statement into a question. The thesis statement is a statement that presents the main idea or argument of an essay, while a question is used to provoke thought or discussion. Keeping the thesis statement as a clear statement helps to provide a focused direction for the rest of the essay.

Can a thesis statement be a question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be a question. This can help to capture the reader's interest and serve as a guiding question that you will explore and answer throughout your paper. Just make sure to provide a clear and specific response to the question posed in your thesis statement.

What thesis statement is good for muders in the rue morgue?

Whatever thesis statement matches your paper. You'll have to write your own statement based on what your paper is going to say.

What is the thesis statement on marriage and divorce?

There is no standard thesis statement for anything. When you write a thesis statement, you need to state your argument (what ever opinion you have on marriage and divorce), and then use the rest of the essay to back up your position.