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a wise man may find that he is wrong and corect himself, a fool will be stubborn and remain in the same place that he was....

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This quote suggests that a wise person is open to new information and willing to adjust their opinions or beliefs when faced with evidence or reason. On the other hand, a fool tends to be stubborn and closed-minded, refusing to consider changing their views even when presented with compelling arguments or facts. It emphasizes the importance of intellectual flexibility and humility in seeking knowledge and wisdom.

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Q: Can you explain this quote a wise man will change his mind a fool never will?
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Who said A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer?

Homer, an ancient Greek poet, was the one who said "A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer." This quote is often used to emphasize the importance of thoughtful inquiry and discernment in seeking knowledge.

A wise man changes his mind a fool never will?

Changing one's mind in response to new information or circumstances can be a sign of wisdom and growth. On the other hand, stubbornly clinging to one's beliefs despite evidence to the contrary can indicate a lack of open-mindedness and adaptability. It is important to be open to new perspectives and willing to revise our opinions in light of new insights.

Who said Only a fool answers a question without all the facts or something like that?

Mark Twain is often credited with the quote "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." The sentiment encourages caution and prudence when speaking without full knowledge or understanding of a situation.

What does the quoteA Wise Man Can Learn More From A Foolish Question Than A Fool Can Learn From A Wise Answer mean?

This quote means that someone who is wise can gain insights and knowledge even from simple or foolish questions, while a fool may not benefit from even the most intelligent or wise responses. It highlights the importance of humility and open-mindedness in learning from all kinds of sources.

What is another name for a unwise person?

A fool or a simpleton.

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What is a quote that shows that the fool cares for King Lear?

What need for a quote? The Fool, alone among all of Lear's followers, sticks with him as he heads into the storm. That action speaks louder than any words.

The quote fool you once shame on youfool you twice shame on me?

The first time you have been fooled, you can be forgiven as it being unexpected. The second time you have been fooled means you are foolish for falling for it AGAIN! Actually the quote is "Fool me once it's your fault, fool twice it's mine."

Who said this Famous Quote You can't fool all the people?

Benjimin Franklin

What is the origin of the quote - You may fool all the people some of the time?

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.-Abraham Lincoln

How does the quote fool you once goes.?

The full saying is "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." It means that being tricked or deceived once is the fault of the person who tricked you, but if you allow it to happen again, then you are also at fault for not learning from the mistake.

Use in a sentences the fool?

You should never give advice as the wise don't need it and the fool won't heed it. I pity the fool. Everybody plays the fool, sometimes.

At does folly mean?

Folly: That which is done by fools=Hence the quote! "One can not save a fool from his folly!"=

What is a quote in Romeo and Juliet that shows Fate vs Free Will using metaphors?

l am Fortune's Fool.

When did Isaac become cool?

Never hes a fool

When is borderlands 3 coming out?

it is already out fool

Can you put the words in a sentence family knew something wrong never fool?

Are you asking, "Can you put the words 'family, knew, something, wrong, never,' and 'fool' into a sentence?" If so, sure....The family knew something was wrong, since Jeremy had never acted like such a fool before.

Anata no BAKA desu NE?

how dare you call me a fool, we've never met, i think. " you are a fool" is what it means