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Its an argument as old as time....and religion....because many believe that we are all born pure of heart, hence: good. The direction and/or path we CHOOSE to take is one of free will.

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It's a complex interplay of both nature and nurture. While genetics can influence certain traits, morality is largely shaped by upbringing, environment, and personal experiences. People are not inherently good or evil at birth, but rather learn and develop these traits over time.

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Q: Can a person be born good or evil or does a person learn to be good or evil?
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What is the nature of human being is it good or evil?

The nature of human beings is complex and can vary from person to person. Some may argue that humans have the capacity for both good and evil, while others may believe that humans are inherently good but influenced by external factors. Ultimately, it is difficult to categorize all human beings as purely good or evil as individuals are capable of both positive and negative actions.

Is a man born good or evil?

There is no definitive answer to whether a man is born good or evil, as it depends on various factors such as genetics, upbringing, environment, and personal choices. Some believe that individuals have an innate tendency towards goodness, while others argue that external influences can shape a person to behave in either a good or evil manner.

Are humans beings are intrinsically good or intrinsically evil?

The nature of human beings is a complex topic and can vary among individuals. Some argue that humans are inherently good, while others believe that humans can exhibit both good and evil behaviors. Ultimately, it is a matter of perspective and context.

What is the opposite of evil?

The opposite of evil is typically considered to be good or righteousness. It represents qualities such as kindness, compassion, and morality.

Is good and evil a part of human nature?

The concept of good and evil is subjective and varies among different cultures and individuals. Some argue that humans have an inherent sense of morality, while others believe that good and evil are learned behaviors influenced by society and environment. Ultimately, the presence of good and evil in human nature is a complex topic with no definitive answer.

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What point of view is school for good and evil?

"The School for Good and Evil" is written in third person point of view, providing a perspective that is not limited to the thoughts and feelings of a single character. This allows the reader to see the story unfold from multiple angles and gain insights into the various characters' motivations and actions.

How does a evil person turn into a good person?

That is a good question, I dont think it is possible for an evil peron to change, because usually an evil person is a sociopath or a psychopath or mentally ill or is just plain insensitive so there is no "real" way to change a person like that unless they get born again which is impossible. Hope it's the answer you are looking for.

How did undertaker became so evil?

The Undertaker is not evil. He is a good person.

Do hinduis see people as good or evil?

Depends on the way a person acts. One's thoughts and actions make the person good or makes the person evil.

Do people of Islamic faith believe that they are born inherently good or evil?

Well it's depend on the person thinking God made every one equal. Men's, and, Women's are equal. If the person think bad than he/she is evil and if the person thinks good then he/she is not evil. For example: The people who kill other innocent people without any reason just for enjoyment are evil and people who always think good about others not just for there own self are good!

How can someone be completely evil when everyone in some way or another has good or positive emotions?

because probally that person got hurt in the past or its just born evil

What do they believe is the cause of evil?

Judaism teaches that all people are born good but HaShem gave us the freewill and the ability to choose to do both good and bad. When a person chooses to do evil, that is their choice and their choice only. There is no single cause or source of evil according to Judaism and nothing can make us do evil.

When was Vegeta a good person?

He's semi good and semi evil.

What is the word that describes a person who can sense good and evil?

Being able to sense good from evil is called spiritual discernment.

What are some resons people are born evil?

People are not born evil. They learn it. All behavior is learned and those who "seem" evil are people who may have been abused, not loved, and haven't bonded with a parent. Some children are born into a violent home and that is all they know. This can result in physcial and mental disabilities which could result in behaviors that are not considered good.

Can an evil angry person who was once good and happy be turned back into a good happy person?

Yes, any person can be turned to a good person. It is the effort of the close ones that turn a person.

Can DNA show a person's personality or evil or good in them?

Every individual is the product of two fundamental influences, often described as nature and nurture, or heredity and experience. We are born with certain hereditary potential, but the sum total of our experiences in life will determine whether those potentials will come to pass. And DNA does not make people evil or good; everyone is born with the capability of being either evil or good. However, some people have greater capabilities than others, and that is related to DNA. At the present time, we are just beginning to learn about how DNA works, and we could not examine someones DNA and determine exactly what kind of potential is created by that DNA. But that may become possible in the future, if we learn more about DNA.