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Assumptions can fall into two categories: explicit assumptions, which are consciously stated or believed, and implicit assumptions, which are subconscious beliefs taken for granted. Explicit assumptions are those that are openly expressed and acknowledged, while implicit assumptions are underlying beliefs that may not be overtly stated but still influence thoughts and actions.

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Q: Assumptions can be either explicit conscious statements or belief or subconscious beliefs taken for granted. Assumptions fall into what two categories?
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What is the meaning of the word 'conscious'?

The word conscious is used in different contexts. We say we are conscious, we say we have become unconscious, and we say the mind works with its subconscious when we sleep. Some people even talk of the word super conscious which leads to telepathy, intuition, sixth sense and hunches. But the word conscious comes from the word consciousness. Consciousness is becoming aware, becoming the witness of the body, the mind and the ego. Consciousness is not believing that we are the one who is alive in the body, the body is just a habitat, we are actually that state of awareness, awakening, that state of consciousness, that is our real existence but unfortunately we are so busy in this world that talks of being conscious and unconscious and subconscious that we have lost the true meaning of consciousness.

Who said 'Existence exists' 'Consciousness is conscious' and 'A is A'?

These statements are attributed to the philosopher Ayn Rand, who is known for her philosophy of objectivism. The phrase "A is A" represents the principle of identity, while the other statements reflect key aspects of her philosophical worldview.

What is the antonym of the word 'conscious'?

The antonym of 'conscious' is 'unconscious'. 'Conscious' refers to being aware and awake, while 'unconscious' refers to being unaware and not awake.

What is the definition of phenomenology?

Phenomenology is a philosophical method that focuses on studying conscious experience from a first-person perspective. It seeks to understand the essential aspects and structures of human experiences without imposing preconceived theories or assumptions. Phenomenology emphasizes the importance of direct observation and description of phenomena as they are perceived.

What is conscious experience?

Conscious experience refers to the awareness and perception that an individual has of their surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and sensations. It includes the ability to introspect, make decisions, and feel like an individual. Conscious experience is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be sentient and self-aware.

Related questions

Is the subconscious as relevant as the conscious?

Define relevant, the Subconscious is without thought, while the conscious is with thought. So in terms of relevancy no.

The part of your mind that you are not conscious of?

Your subconscious

Under the conscious level of the mind?


What are the 2 main parts of the spiritual mind?

conscious and the subconscious

How do you withdraw the impression from subconscious mind?

We are conscious of everything we are aware of,this creates conscious impressions in our mind,but when we are not conscious of,meaning we do not conceptualize or are not aware of due to lack of meaning our minds are set in a state of limbo as it seeks to understand.At this point thoughts become subconscious,and an unresolved question is posed in the subconscious mind.The answer to that question is the impression we get.

What rhymes with subconscious?

Some words that rhyme with "subconscious" are obnoxious, cautious, conscious, and ferocious.

What is an example sentence with the word subconscious?

There are conscious thoughts that you're aware of and subconscious ones that you're not.

Conscious or subconscious awareness of internal or external stimuli?

This is called sensation.

What two prefixes can go on conscious?

You can be unconscious or you can listen to your subconscious mind.

What prefixes go with conscious?

Some prefixes that go with "conscious" are "sub-" and "un-." For example, "subconscious" and "unconscious."

How do you talk with Subconscious mind?

Personally do not think that you can, the sub conscious being below the conscious. It is far better to use the conscious to reason things out. The concious is master over the sub conscious.

What is the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind?

The conscious mind is aware of our thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment, while the subconscious mind operates below the level of consciousness and influences our behavior based on past experiences, beliefs, and memories. The conscious mind is like the tip of the iceberg, visible and easily accessible, whereas the subconscious mind is like the larger part of the iceberg hidden beneath the surface.