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Yes, the indigenous Filipinos had their own diverse cultures, societies, and systems of governance before the arrival of the Spaniards. They had established trade networks, social structures, and artistic traditions that reflect their civilization before colonial influence.

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Q: Are the Filipinos civilized before the Spaniards came to the Philippines?
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Did the early Filipinos were already civilized before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Philippines?

yes, the filipinos were already civilized before the spanish colonization. They have already a way of government, we already have laws, we already trade in other places, we have the system of writing, we already have currency (in terms of gold) and also social classes.

What is a summary of the Philippines a century hence?

"The Philippines a Century Hence" is an essay written by Jose Rizal in 1889 predicting the future of the Philippines. In the essay, Rizal expresses his vision for the country's progress through education, governance, and social reforms. He emphasizes the need for unity and solidarity among Filipinos to overcome challenges and achieve true freedom and independence.

Is it true that Philippine Literature Existed Even Before Spaniards Came?

Yes, Philippine literature existed before the Spaniards arrived. Pre-colonial Filipinos had rich oral traditions, folklore, and epics passed down through generations. They utilized various indigenous scripts like the Baybayin to document their stories and cultural knowledge.

Why are the Filipinos were already civilized people even before the coming of Spaniards?

Filipinos had established sophisticated societies with organized social structures, advanced technology, and complex trade networks prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. Their civilizations were based on agriculture, maritime trade, and cultural exchanges with neighboring societies in Southeast Asia. The Filipinos had developed their own systems of governance, religion, and art, which reflected their rich heritage and history.

What was Philippines named before it was Philippines?

The Philippines was named after King Philip II of Spain and was called Las Islas Filipinas. It was previously known as the Archipelago of San Lazaro before it was officially named in honor of King Philip II in the 16th century.

Related questions

Explain the reason why the Philippines was easily pacified by the Spaniards?

because the Filipinos were ignorant before

Were the Filipinos already civilized before the coming of the Spaniards?

Yes, the Filipinos had established complex societies with rich cultural traditions and systems of governance before the arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century. They had developed advanced agricultural practices, trade networks, and artistic expressions.

Did the early Filipinos were already civilized before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Philippines?

yes, the filipinos were already civilized before the spanish colonization. They have already a way of government, we already have laws, we already trade in other places, we have the system of writing, we already have currency (in terms of gold) and also social classes.

Why does manila called the Muslim kingdom?

Because it was muslim. Before t coming of the spaniards.. many kingdoms in the philippines were muslim. The spanish conquered the filipinos and converted them to christianity. Only 5 to 9 % of modern filipinos are muslims

Music in the Philippines before the Spaniards came?

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Lists of practices of the early Filipinos before the coming of Spaniards'?

sexual practices

Were the filipinos uncivilized before the coming spaniards?

Watch the show Amaya and see for yourself.

What are the other names of Philippines before the Spaniards came?


Who wrote the legend of maria makiling?

no one wrote it, it is a legend about a goddes who inhabited mt. makiling. it originated from the from the province of laguna, philippines where the mountain is located...the story happened before the spaniards came to the philippines... ancient filipinos believe in gods and godesses of nature... "diwata"

What is a summary of the Philippines a century hence?

"The Philippines a Century Hence" is an essay written by Jose Rizal in 1889 predicting the future of the Philippines. In the essay, Rizal expresses his vision for the country's progress through education, governance, and social reforms. He emphasizes the need for unity and solidarity among Filipinos to overcome challenges and achieve true freedom and independence.

What is the name of the Philippines before the Spaniards came?

The Philippines had no official name before the Spanish came. The Philippines where separate island ruled by different tribes and it was actually the spanish who united them into one nation.

Do you believe Filipinos before the coming of the Spaniards lived in a world inhabited by the spirits?

I sure do, because I also am Filipino. Therefor I know everything.