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Albert Barnes believed that more people were coming to think that slavery was wrong due to the spread of education and knowledge, which helped to enlighten people on the moral principles that should guide human behavior. This, in turn, led to a greater recognition of the inherent injustice and immorality of slavery.

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Q: According to Albert Barnes why were more people coming to think Slavery was wrong?
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According to Albert Barnes why were men more and more people coming to think slavery was wrong?

Albert Barnes believed that more people were starting to think that slavery was wrong due to moral and philosophical considerations. He argued that as humanity progressed and developed a deeper understanding of human rights and dignity, the inherent immorality of slavery became increasingly apparent to more individuals.

According to Albert Barnes why were more and more people coming to think slavery was wrong?

It went against god and nature.

According to albert barnes why were more and more coming to think slavery was wrong?

It went against god and nature.

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