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He wrote in Italian because it was the language of him and his people, so more people could read it. However, that isn't a good question. Dante only wrote SOME of his works in Italian

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Q: Why did Dante write in Italian instead of Latin?
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What effect did Dante's decision to write his poem in Italian have?

Writing his poem in Italian instead of Latin allowed Dante to reach a wider audience and helped in the development of the Italian vernacular as a literary language. This decision also served to democratize literature by making it more accessible to the general populace, rather than just the elite who could read Latin.

Why did Dante choose to write in Italian rather than Latin?

because it would be better than talking everyday latin but Italian is better to understand

How did the language of The Divine Comedy differ from other philosophical works of the Middle Ages What effect did Dante's decision to write his poem in Italian have?

It was in Italian unlike the others which were in Latin.

What was the result of Dante choosing to write the Divine Comedy in Italian rather then Latin?

By writing the Divine Comedy in Italian, Dante made the work accessible to a wider audience, as Latin was typically reserved for scholarly and religious texts. This choice helped popularize the Tuscan dialect and contributed to the development of the modern Italian language.

Who was the first major Italian poet to write in Italian?

Dante Alighieri is commonly regarded as the first major Italian poet to write in Italian. His renowned work, "The Divine Comedy," helped establish the Italian language as a literary medium.

In what language did Dante Alighieri write?

Dante Alighieri wrote his most famous work, "The Divine Comedy," in Italian. He is often considered the father of the Italian language for his significant contributions to the development of the language.

How do you write in Italian or Latin?

You use the Western alphabet and write in Italian for present day Rome. For ancient Rome, you use the western alphabet and write in Latin.

Why did authors during the renaissance begin to write more in the vernacular?

Authors in the Renaissance began to write more in the vernacular because they wanted to reach a wider audience beyond the elite who could read Latin. Writing in the vernacular made texts more accessible and allowed for the spread of ideas to a broader range of people.

How do you write heaven sent in latin?

Como caido del cielo... That's Italian, not Latin.

Who was the Writer politician and poet first to write in Italian the language of the people?

Dante Alighieri was the first Italian writer, politician, and poet to write in the vernacular Italian language. His most famous work, "The Divine Comedy," played a significant role in establishing Italian as a literary language.

How do you write Dante in Japanese?

Dante = ダンテ。

What language did Dante alighieri write the comedy in?

Chaucer wrote in English, and Dante wrote in Italian, although both were working with older versions than we have now. Chaucer was writing in what they call "Middle English," which is often hard for modern speakers to understand. Dante's Divine Comedy was written in the Tuscan dialect, which was significant at the time because most people were writing poetry in Latin, and writing in other, "lesser" languages was considered uncool. :)