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The Tempest is widely considered to be the last survivingplay written by William Shakespeare alone, and was performed by the King's Men in November 1611.

Shakespeare also collaborated on at least two plays after this time with a man called John Fletcher; All is True (Henry VIII) (c.1613) and The Two Noble Kinsmen (1613-14). There is evidence to suggest they also wrote Cardenio but this script does not survive.

As with so much of Shakespeare's life and works there is much that is not known. It is possible that the widely accepted chronology of his plays is not correct and possibly that there were other plays of which no record survives.

ADDED: There is also some evidence that Shakespeare contributed to yet another play, Double Falsehood but that is contested.

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10y ago

The last play written by the famous English playwright William Shakespeare is dated from the year 1613, and is called 'The Two Noble Kinsmen'. It's attributed to Shakespeare and it was supposedly co-written by John Fletcher. It's derived from the tale 'The Knights Tale', included in 'The Canterbury Tales'.

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11y ago

Actually the last book which William Shakespeare wrote for publication was his long poem The Rape of Lucrece. He never meant for his plays or sonnets to be published, and they were published without consulting him. They cannot count as "books".

The last play on which Shakespeare worked was probably The Two Noble Kinsmen, which he co-wrote with John Fletcher.

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11y ago

The last play Shakespeare wrote all by himself was, according to most scholars, The Tempest. It was written in 1610-1611, around the same time as The Winter's Tale. However, Shakespeare co-wrote a number of plays late in his career with John Fletcher up until 1613 or so, including Henry VIII, the lost play Cardenio, and The Two Noble Kinsmen.

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12y ago

Unfortunately we cannot really be certain which of his plays was the last one he wrote, or which was the last one to be performed. We can say for sure that based on the information we have, The Two Noble Kinsmen was the last to be published, in 1634, eleven years after the others. This might have been the last play which Shakespeare wrote unless it was the now lost Cardenio. Both were, scholars think (well Kinsmen says so on the title page) collaborations with Fletcher, and written no later than 1613. The Tempest (written probably around 1611 or so, due to the topical subject matter) is thought to be the last play he wrote without help from anyone else.

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11y ago

Well, I am glad that we are not considering the plays that were not written, just the written ones. Of these, The Two Noble Kinsmen, Henry VIII and Cardenio, all believed to be collaborations with John Fletcher, were his last.

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9y ago

The last play written by William Shakespeare was Henry VII. This play was not published until1623 which is earlier than some of his other plays.

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10y ago

The last play written by William Shakespeare is 'The Two Noble Kinsmen', from 1613, and it's based on a story from Geoffrey Chaucer and is defined as a Jacobean tragedy.

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8y ago

Shakespeare did not write novels. He wrote plays and poems.

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