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At one point, there is dramatic irony when Juliet drinks the potion that will make her appear as if she was dead for 42 hours. It just made her appear dead, but when Romeo went into the tomb, he thought that she WAS dead. He then drank real poison. In just a few short minutes, Juliet woken up to find Romeo dead.

Another example of dramatic irony is Act 3 Scene 4 when Juliet's father, Capulet, agrees and says yes to Paris that Juliet will marry him. The dramatic irony is that the reader knows the truth that Juliet is already married to Romeo and Juliet can not be married to both Paris and Romeo.

Also we as the reader know that Romeo and Juliet will die in the end due to the prolouge. None of the characters know this.

Also, both families insist they will never forgive one another and end the feud, but we know from the prologue that they will.

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In Act 2 scene 4, when Benvolio and Mercutio are talking to Romeo, Juliet's nurse arrives and as Benvolio and Mercutio are making fun of her being large and are disrespecting her, none of them know that she is Juliet's Nurse and his there to talk to Romeo about him and Juliet.

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An example of dramatic irony in Romeo and Juliet in Act 2 Scene 1, is in the Capulet's moonlit garden. Juliet is talking to herself about Romeo not realizing he is below her balcony gazing up at her.

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12y ago

When Juliet has decided to take the potion, but goes home & first begs her father's forgiveness and tells him she is happy to marry Paris. Juliet is already married to Romeo & she really doesn't need her father's forgiveness because she has defied him by secretly marrying Romeo & will defy him again by lying & faking her death then leaving with Romeo.

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Juliet is crying in her room and her mother thinks that Juliet is cut up about the death of her cousin Tybalt (mostly because Mrs. Capulet is cut up about the death of her nephew Tybalt, and like many people, she livs her life assuming that whatever she thinks, everyone else thinks as well.) Therefore in order to cheer Juliet up she tells her that she is planning to hire murderers to kill the swine who killed Tybalt. The irony is that Juliet is not crying about Tybalt, she is crying about Romeo being banished, and is not going to be cheered up by talk of sending murderers to kill him.

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Mercutio is making fun of Romeo loving Rosaline when he doesn't love her any more.

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Romeo doesn't want to fight Tybalt because he knows they're cousins now. We know that but Tybalt does not.

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The fact that Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet.

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Act II Scene 1 has Mercutio and co. making fun of Romeo for having a crush on Rosaliline. Rosaline is yesterday's news, and we know it, but Mercutio does not know it. Hence, it is ironic.

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