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An onion has many layers and Carol Ann Duffy uses this to relate to the idea of love. Initially, the reader is reminded of the protective outer layer, a moon wrapped in brown paper. If the moon becomes unwrapped, it will give light and Duffy goes on to say this is like the 'careful undressing of love'. This suggests that in the first stages of love, there will be kindness and carefulness with each other's feeling.

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Q: What does the poem valentine by Carol Ann Duffy mean?
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When was valentine by carol ann duffy written?

The poem was published in 1993 but I don't know when she actually wrote it.

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Carol Ann Duffy

When was Carol Ann Duffy's poem Valentine written?

Carol Ann Duffy has written lots of poems which you can find all over the internet. She has written poems called 'The Good Teachers' and 'Before You Were Mine' and 'Dream of a lost friend'. Hopefully these will be of use to you and by searching these poems i am sure that others will come up. (And of course you can just search her name!)

When was a valentine written?

The music was composed by Richard Rodgers and the lyrics were written by Lorenz Hart. Its a show tune from the musical Babe in Arms.

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Carol Ann Duffy wrote the poem Salome in 1999.It appears in the collection of poems titled The World's Wife.

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In the poem "Valentine" by Carol Ann Duffy, the poet uses metaphors to compare love to an onion, symbolizing its complexity and layers. Additionally, there is personification in describing the onion as having qualities of a moon, symbolizing beauty and mystery. These figurative language elements help create a rich and complex exploration of love in the poem.

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What is the poem December by Carol Ann Duffy about?

"December" by Carol Ann Duffy is a reflective poem that explores themes of memory, passage of time, and the changing seasons. The poem emphasizes the melancholy and nostalgia often associated with the winter month of December, as well as the idea of endings and new beginnings. Duffy uses vivid imagery and sensory details to convey the mood and atmosphere of the season.

When was Medusa by carol ann duffy written?

"Medusa" by Carol Ann Duffy was published in 1999 in her poetry collection titled "The World's Wife." The poem presents a feminist retelling of the Greek myth of Medusa.

What is the imagery in the poem Pluto by carol Ann duffy?

The imagery in the poem "Pluto" by Carol Ann Duffy includes references to the planet Pluto, with phrases like "bone-cold," "dark as a cellar," and "tongue of ice." These images evoke a sense of coldness, isolation, and darkness, reflecting themes of distance, loss, and transformation in the poem.

Who is the speaker of Medusa?

The speaker in the poem "Medusa" by Carol Ann Duffy is Medusa herself. Duffy writes from Medusa's perspective, giving voice to the character from Greek mythology.