It's far from the only theme. There are, however, a number of couples and love-plots. Generally, the course of true love is, as is often the case, impeded by the wishes of an older generation. Portia cannot choose her husband; he must choose her, and by means of the casket game. Because this is a comedy, he chooses right. Nerissa also makes her marriage to Gratiano conditional on Bassiano making the right choice.
The story of Jessica and Lorenzo might also be a story of love, as Shylock would surely not approve her choice of husband, so she must elope. However, Jessica's motivation in going with Lorenzo is not love: she says "our house is Hell" and "what heinous sin is it in me to be ashamed to be my father's child". She is running off with Lorenzo as a means to escape from Shylock, not because she loves Lorenzo.
Other themes in the play are Revenge, Prejudice, Fidelity, Law and Mercy.
Who knows? The Duke of Venice is not a character in the play The Merchant of Venice. In Othello, yes. But not in the Merchant of Venice.
Because she was in love with Lorenzo
the line is from a play called the merchant of Venice
Brutus is in Julius Caesar not Merchant of Venice.
Nobody. Just Gratiano.
There is no novel called The Merchant of Venice. It doesn't exist.Themes in the play The Merchant of Venice (which does exist) include Justice, Mercy, Prejudice, Revenge, Love, Chance and Fidelity.
Who knows? The Duke of Venice is not a character in the play The Merchant of Venice. In Othello, yes. But not in the Merchant of Venice.
Because she was in love with Lorenzo
The Merchant of Venice is set, surprisingly enough, in Venice.
the line is from a play called the merchant of Venice
Brutus is in Julius Caesar not Merchant of Venice.
Both have the theme of law vs. justice.
Nobody. Just Gratiano.
Gratiano is the husband of Nerissa in The Merchant of Venice.
The Merchant of Venice was released on 12/29/2004.
The Production Budget for The Merchant of Venice was $30,000,000.
It is from Merchant of Venice.