To create tension
I have no idea try going on wikipeadia x
withholding a key bit of information until later in the story
To try to emphasize how much closer the sun is than other stars
Method acting is when you try to create the thoughts that the character you are playing would have. Technique acting is when you use a technique like: Improv, or classical acting
The author's purpose in persuasion is likely to influence readers' beliefs or actions on a particular issue or topic by presenting convincing arguments, evidence, or emotional appeals in order to create a desired impact or change in attitude, behavior, or viewpoint.
explain how does smart growth try to reduce the impact of urban sprawl
You need to have good ideas that sounds appealing to others. Try to create something that could be a best seller.
The answer, is what we do today. We can try to keep the old, or try to make the new.
try it and find out
The intent of the Political Author is to create interest in the perceived problem that the Author wants to expose and correct. The Author exposes the problem and how it is affecting the Country and the Citizens of the country. The Author will make suggestions on how to correct the problem. The Author will try to motivate the Reader to take some kind of Action to correct and resolve the problem.
Who is "they"?
You can try Klapty