Either she needs milking, she's hungry, she's in heat or she's looking for her lost calf.
I have no idea but does the cow say rawr?
Cock a doodle moo
What do you get when you cross a cow and a ghost? A BOO-MOO!
A "moo-sicle."
A COW!its so obvious.by the way cows are very fat
you get a cow and get it to say moo and then you get to say yaw
silent a say moo?
Yes, sometimes.
I have no idea but does the cow say rawr?
Players with a cow pool cue can say Moo.
You can make a joke with moo plop moo with a few different endings. You can say moo plop moo is a cow.
"Moo cow" is a playful term for a cow, which is a domesticated animal known for producing milk and meat. The term likely comes from the sound cows make, which is commonly represented as "moo."
Cock a doodle moo
Moo moo the cow.