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The person who wrote The Romancers and The Woman of Samaria is: Edmond Rostand.

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Q: Who wrote The Romancers and The Woman of Samaria?
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What are the release dates for Passion Play Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - 1903?

Passion Play Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - 1903 was released on: USA: January 1903

To which woman did jesus say God is a spirit?

A woman at the well from Samaria (John 4).

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Who was the woman of Samaria who gave Jesus a drink?

The question you have asked contains almost all that is known of the woman of Samaria. She was a resident of Sychar, a town in Samaria. She had had 5 husbands and was living with a man to whom she wasn't married. None of the accounts of Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well contain the woman's name. Jesus remained in Sychar for two days. It is highly probable that He and the disciples learned the woman's name (and her boyfriend's) during that time. Those names, whatever they were, were known only to the people there present. They were nowhere recorded in Scripture.

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The Davis sisters

What book of the Bible is the story of Jesus and the woman of Samaria?

The incident is related in the Gospel of John Chapter 4.

Who in particular did the woman of samaria tell that she met jesus?

The people of the town in which she lived. The Bible doesn't qualify it more than that.

Where was samaria?

Samaria is in the region that is referred to as the West Bank. To Israel, it is known as the Judea and Samaria Area.

What was samaria and sychor?

sychor - a town, and samaria a region/state. sychor was within samaria xx

What was the historical background of the woman at the well?

The Samaritans were the inhabitants of Samaria. They were of mixed Jewish and heathen descent. The Samaritans claimed descent from Jacob, and looked on themselves as true Israelites. A mountain in Samaria, Mount Gerizim had been adopted as their official place of worship. The Jews had a deep dislike for the Samaritans. They considered them half-breeds. That is why this woman said to the Lord Jesus, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?"

When was Agnes Samaria born?

Agnes Samaria was born in 1972.