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Tituba (Slave for Rev. Parris), 3 local beggar women, Giles Corey and his wife, Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth.

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Q: Who were all the people who accused of witchcraft in the crucible?
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What was everything Abigail Williams did bad in The Crucible?

Abigail falsely accused people of witchcraft. She and her friends all pretended to be bewitched and then falsely identified people they didn't like or people who weren't trusted in the community and being responsible for her bewitchment.

What judge hathorne want in the play the crucible?

he wants Abigal to confess of witchcraft but mostly he wants all this nosense to end

What type of witchcraft is rebecca accused of?

I assume you're talking about Rebecca Nurse. She was accused of spiritually murdering seven children of her husband's neighbor and enemy, Mrs. Putnam, all of whom died suddenly after birth. The Putnams had a land dispute with Rebecca's husband. See literary references: "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller and "A Break with Charity" (I forget author's name.)

What were witches accused of in Medieval Times?

Medieval witches were not accused of much. Witches were accused of all sorts of mischief, but that was during the Renaissance, not in medieval times. In medieval times, there were laws against witchcraft in some places, but the laws of the Carolingian Empire and the Kingdom of the Lombards both made it clear that belief in witchcraft was unacceptably superstitious and so prosecuting people as witches was illegal. And under the laws of King Athelstan, in Anglo Saxon England, it was a capital crime to execute a person for witchcraft. There is a link below to an article on witch hunts.

Why did reverend hale tell the accused witches to confess in the crucible?

Reverend hale told the accused witches to confess beecause, he lost all faith in the court and wanted to save them from getting hanged. The accused witches however refused to confess.

Proctor's assessment of what is motivating the accusations of witchcraft in Salem Village?

In "The Crucible," John Proctor believed the motivating force behind all the accusations of witchcraft in Salem Village was vengeance. He was outraged at the interrogation of the pious Rebecca Nurse, and the accusation of his wife Elizabeth.

What did Reverend Parris see in the woods in the crucible?

He saw Abigail and all the other girls dancing in the woods. He thought they were performing witchcraft and saying spells but they all denied it and said they were only dancing.

What are some examples of conformity in The Crucible?

conformity was demonstrated in the crucible in that people were forced to give false admissions of the practice of witchcraft in order to preserve their lives, or alternatively die to preserve their integrity. Hence the great importance of John Proctor who ultimately died to preserve his integrity, as he valued his integrity above all else. This is an example of how the people of Salem 'conformed' to the theocracy governing their society.

What are punishment for being a witch?

Many people were accused for being witches in the 17th century. At one point the people accused for witchcraft were just hung or burned to death. One test for witchcraft was called 'swim the witch', the person accused would have their left hand tied to their right leg and their right hand tied to their left leg. If they would drown then they were innocent and have a Christian burial, but if they stayed afloat then they would be guilty and be executed. Some people were watched to see if a 'familiar' would come to find them, anything from a stray cat to a spider. Another test for witchcraft was poking them with a needle, if they didn't bleed they would be accused for witchcraft and if they bled then they would be innocent. Also another test was to keep them awake to see if they would own up. The accused person would be walked back and forth all day and whipped so they would confess. Even if that person was innocent they would be so tired they would admit to anything. By Natalie Evans, 8JNS

Who built The Crucible in mass effect 3?

Admiral Hackett is in charge of the Crucible. All the Scientists, Engineers, and most of the people you recruit will contribute to building the Crucible.

Is witchcraft a tradition in paganism?

ya its part of it. In some of the branches of Paganism you can and do find people who use witchcraft as part of their spiritual path, however it is a personal choice and not all use it. To use an old mathematical formula... All Witchcraft is Pagan, but not all Paganism is Witchcraft.

Arthur millers treatment of women in The Crucible?

Women in The Crucible were treated very poorly, simply because of their gender.If you were a woman you were automatically assumed to have something to do with witchcraft. In all of the trials, majority were women. The teenagers in The Crucible were over trusted and had entirely too much power. They accused anyone and anything in their sight. They knew they could get away with it, because the judge didn't want to make a fool of himself and make it as if he hung people for no reason. He didn't want to be wronged. Not only were women persecuted during this time because of superstition, but it was colonial times (1600-1700s) so women weren't exactly equals with the men. Abigail Williams is able to gain lots of power by manipulating the society's fear of witchcraft. So basically, women are kind of pushed around and blamed for being witches without good reason.