Paris. He only ever talks to Juliet's father, never to Juliet herself. Perhaps this is why he is so clued out about what she really feels. No, more likely it is because he is an arrogant schmuck.
he wants to be married to her and that he loves her
Juliet sends the nurse to Romeo to find out whether he really wants to marry her or not.
If you marry someone when you are already married, it's called bigamy. It's a crime. And in Romeo and Juliet, that's what the Nurse wants Juliet to do--to have two husbands.
Friar Lawrence wants Romeo to do different things depending on what part of the play you are talking about. When they first meet, the friar tells Romeo to go slowly in his relationship with Juliet (as if!).
the interview was very straight forward. romeo told Juliet's nurse that he wants to marry Juliet and he told he that if Juliet really loved him she would agree to it.
he wants to be married to her and that he loves her
Paris is the person that wants to marry Juliet Paris he needs to being loving caring for Juliet he puts his life to or he die for that fine girl that so fine and hot.
Juliet sends the nurse to Romeo to find out whether he really wants to marry her or not.
If you marry someone when you are already married, it's called bigamy. It's a crime. And in Romeo and Juliet, that's what the Nurse wants Juliet to do--to have two husbands.
Juliet asked Friar Laurence to help her avoid marrying Paris by giving her a plan to fake her death so she could be with Romeo instead.
Paris, for sure. Romeo may be thinking about it after Act I Scene 5.
Friar Lawrence wants Romeo to do different things depending on what part of the play you are talking about. When they first meet, the friar tells Romeo to go slowly in his relationship with Juliet (as if!).
He wants Friar's help to marry Juliet and himself.
the interview was very straight forward. romeo told Juliet's nurse that he wants to marry Juliet and he told he that if Juliet really loved him she would agree to it.
Paris asks Juliet's father for permission to marry Juliet. Romeo asked Juliet instead. (Actually she offered before he asked)
To begin with? He has an unrequited love of Rosaline but forgets about her when he meets Juliet who he then wants to marry.
She wants to know that he is devoted enough to marry her.