Fiona Brown is Fiz' real name on the show.
Not entirely sure what answer to give. If you're asking what her full character name is it's Fiona Stape, however the actress who plays her is Jennie McAlpine
No. Janice was Toyah's Mum and Leanne's step-mum (through her marriage to Les Battersby). Les then met Cilla, who was Fizz's Mum.
The Name Of Fizzes Baby Is Hope.
its mountain dew their drinking the show cant use the name mountain dew tho so they use mountain fizz... copyright stuff, ya know?
Jaye Griffiths
Fiona Brown is Fiz' real name on the show.
Jaye griffiths
Not entirely sure what answer to give. If you're asking what her full character name is it's Fiona Stape, however the actress who plays her is Jennie McAlpine
God knows...maybe she's filling the 'Ginger quota' or maybe she knows one of the producers ?
No. Janice was Toyah's Mum and Leanne's step-mum (through her marriage to Les Battersby). Les then met Cilla, who was Fizz's Mum.
The Name Of Fizzes Baby Is Hope.
The cast of Fizz - 1999 includes: Narelle Ahrens as Street Kids Jemaine Clement as Chased Man Rod Fransham as Street Kids
Maria finds out Tony's killed Liam and tried to kill Roy and gets taken to jail, John Stape comes out of prison and marries Fizz and Carla returns to the street, Molly and Kevin have an affair and are trying to split up with Tyrone and Sally. Those are the main things that happened this year.
his address is 482 chester street in new jersey
Fizz is a noun (the fizz) and a verb (to fizz).