Tybalt Killed Mercutio and then Romeo was so cross he decided to kill Tybalt! =) x
Tybalt killed Mercutio(Romeos friend) because Mercutio was taunting him which resulted in a fight. However, although Tybalt hated Mercutio, he never actually intended to kill him.
He wanted to kill Romeo not mercutio.
Mercutio ! ,
broke up the fight but didnt dis-arm Tybalt so he stabbed mercutio around romeo
Mercutio does not "save Romeo" in the play by fighting Tybalt. Tybalt is about to walk away in contempt of the coward Romeo who will not fight him, and Mercutio gets involved, ostensibly to save Romeo's honour but basically just to get into a scrap. In the 1996 Baz Luhrman movie, the director has Tybalt beating Romeo when he will not fight, which does prompt Mercutio to join the fight. In that version Mercutio thinks that Tybalt will kill Romeo and that he needs to intervene to save his life. It's a more flattering read for Mercutio than what Shakespeare wrote.
Tybalt killed Mercutio(Romeos friend) because Mercutio was taunting him which resulted in a fight. However, although Tybalt hated Mercutio, he never actually intended to kill him.
He wanted to kill Romeo not mercutio.
mercutio didnt kill Tybalt, Tybalt killed merctio and then romeo killed Tybalt.=D
Mercutio ! ,
broke up the fight but didnt dis-arm Tybalt so he stabbed mercutio around romeo
Mercutio isn't a flat character. It's often jested that Shakespeare had to kill Mercutio because he would've stolen the show should he have lasted the whole way.
He doesn't. Tybalt kills Mercutio. It is not clear whether he meant to do it or not. He might have expected Mercutio to parry his thrust, and was surprised when he did not (because Romeo was holding him), or he may have taken advantage of Romeo's intervention to polish him off.
Mercutio does not "save Romeo" in the play by fighting Tybalt. Tybalt is about to walk away in contempt of the coward Romeo who will not fight him, and Mercutio gets involved, ostensibly to save Romeo's honour but basically just to get into a scrap. In the 1996 Baz Luhrman movie, the director has Tybalt beating Romeo when he will not fight, which does prompt Mercutio to join the fight. In that version Mercutio thinks that Tybalt will kill Romeo and that he needs to intervene to save his life. It's a more flattering read for Mercutio than what Shakespeare wrote.
Tybalt killed Mercutio. First Tybalt was insulting Mercutio, Mercutio got furious and Tybalt and Mercutio took out their swords and began to fight. Romeo tried to break the fight up but instead blocks Mercutio from getting Tybalt, while Tybalt was able to stab Mercutio right in the gut.
Romeo's comical friend was called mercutio
Romeo had to kill someone, in order for the sequence of events to happen properly. Tybalt has been set up as a quarrelsome man who imagines that he has a grudge against Romeo for crashing Capulet's party (Capulet didn't seem to mind) and so will inevitably create a fight, which creates the occasion for Romeo to kill him.
Mercutio was created in 1597.