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Q: Who is the writer of the play Antigone?
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When did the writer of 'Antigone' die?

405 B.C.E. and October 3, 1987 are the respective death dates of the writer of the play "Antigone."Specifically, there are two well-known plays whose titles are "Antigone." One is the play written around 442 B.C.E. by the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles (b. 495 B.C.E.). The other is the modern play written in 1942 by French dramatist Jean Anouilh (b. June 23, 1910).

In the play Antigone what is the four kids names?

Antigone, Ismene, Polyneices, and Eteocles

What is Antigone struggling with in the play Antigone?

HUBRIS (thinking too much of yourself)

When is the play 'Antigone' set?

in thebes

How did Antigone kill herself?

In Antigone (Sophocles) Antigone hangs herself in the final stage of the play, inside the cave. In the Legend of Antigone through Mythology She married Creons Son, and He killed himself and Antigone.

What roles did Polyneuices and Eteocles play in the play Antigone?


What role did Oedipus play in the play Antigone?

the old man

Does Eurydice die in Antigone?

Yes, Eurydice, the wife of Creon commits suicide in the play 'Antigone'.

Verbal irony in the play Antigone?

An example of verbal irony in Antigone is the "good Creon". He is actually considered bad by Antigone and therefore her statement is ironic.

What is the first choral ode about in the Shakespeare play Antigone?

Antigone is written by Sophocles. It's about how great man is.Shakespeare didn't write Antigone. Sophocles did.

Was the play Antigone spoken in rhyme?


Who was not allowed to be buried in the play Antigone?
