Chris Wood - rock musician - died on 1983-07-12.
julius rock
Rosalie nee Tingman
No, Chris Rock and Chris Tucker are not brothers. They are not related at all.
No, Chris Rock and Chris Tucker are not the same person. They are two very different people.
Chris Wood - rock musician - was born on 1944-06-24.
Chris Wood - rock musician - died on 1983-07-12.
His last name is, "Little Dude from Across the Street". Actually, they never use a last name for the family in the series. They never mention his last name, but since it's based on Chris Rock, i assume his last name is supposed to be Rock.
julius rock
Chris Knox is a rock and roll musician from New Zealand. He played in punk rock bands The Enemy, Toy Love, and Tall Dwarfs as well as performed solo in his career.
Christina Aguilera, Calvin Coolidge, Christina Applegate,Chris Rock,Corey Hart, and Christina Milan
Chris Brown, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, [Chris]topher Martin, [Chris]topher Reid
As of August 2015 C. Rock is not married
Rosalie nee Tingman
Chris Gaines
He Yong - rock musician - was born on 1969-02-15.
David Jackson - rock musician - was born in 1947.