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Tireseas and Senator I, because Tierseas gives out the advice and wisdom, while Creon is outraged by this and finally confronts himself and his inner emotions and what is really right and just. Senator I finally convinces him of Tireseas' wisdom and that he is wise and never wrong.Creon finally "cracks" and decides to bury Polinecies properly with all the proper burial rites.He also attempts to free Antigone from exile and forced death.But is he too late?.......

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Q: Who convinces Creon to let Antigone bury her brother?
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Why does Creon let Antigone bury her brother?

He doesn't let Antigone bury her brother. When he found out that she disobeyed him, Creon had Antigone killed.

Who is it that Creon refuses to bury?

Antigone's brother

Why antigone must go against creon and bury her brother?

Hi my name is Iroda Juraeva and my answer is Antigone must go against Creon and bury her brother because that she breaks a human law and insults her judge

Who convinces Creon to free Antigone in 'Antigone'?

The chorus leader convinces Creon to free Antigone in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon receives the warning from Teiresias the blind prophet that the royal household will suffer if Creon does not bury Polyneices and free Antigone. Creon keeps up the insults and threats all the way until Teiresias leaves. But he then asks and acts upon the chorus leader's advice.

In what way is the prophecy of teiresias fulfilled?

The prophecy was that if Creon did not bury Polynices, his punishment of Antigone will bring a curse down on Thebes. Teiresias prophecy is fufilled by Haimon killing himself..Since Creon would not let Antigone bury her brother(Polynices),Antigone killed herself. So Haimon killed himself because he wanted to be with Antigone because the Creon would not bury the brother of Antigone.

What is Creon's attitude toward Antigone?

As king his laws must be obeyed, no matter what Antigone's reasons to bury her brother may be.

Why does antigone risk death to bury polyneices?

Antigone risks death to bury her brother, Polyneices because she follows the laws of the Gods, not the law of what her uncle, King Creon makes.

Who does the sentry bring before Creon in scene 2?

Antigone. Sentry sees Antigone bury her brother, Polyneices, and is appalled. He takes her to Creon who says that is Antigone is involved in this crime, her sister, Ismene must be following too!

What prediction does teirisias make to Creon?

The seer's name is Tiresias. He tells Creon that if Creon does not follow the laws of the gods and refuse to bury Antigone's brother, then Creon's own son will die.

How is anarchy related Antigone?

Antigone questioned the ruling of Creon, the King (unthinkable for anyone, especially a woman), because she wanted a proper burial for her brother. Creon tells her explicitly to go to bed, but she states she will go out that night a bury her brother again against Creon's wishes. Anarchy is going against the will of government or the ruler, and Antigone certainly does that.

How does Antigone die in 'Antigone?

King Creon of Thebes passed a law forbidding the burial of Antigone's brother Polynices. Creon passed this law because Polynices led an army against Thebes, his native country. Polynies's brother Eteocles, however, is given a proper burial because he led Thebes in this war. Antigone wanted to bury her brother Polynices because the laws of the gods commanded it. Antigone burried her brother and confessed her deed to Creon. Creon then sentenced her to her death. He burried her alive in a cave with just enough food to survive. Antigone decided to hang herself to put herself out of her misery.

What does Antigone do against Creon's wishes in 'Antigone'?

Bury her brother is what Antigone does against Creon's wishes in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon announces that the bodies of all disloyal Theban dead are to be left above ground and exposed to weather and wildlife. Princess Antigone defies the non-burial edict when she buries her brother Polyneices. Creon insists upon the non-burial of his nephew Polyneices, whom he considers a traitor to Thebes.