The hen came first - the formation of egg shells relies on protein found only in a hen's ovaries. Therefore an egg can only exist if it has been inside a hen.
What came first. The egg or the Hen. What climbs mountain with four legs but comes down on three legs.
If you think carefully about it, chicken comes first. An egg would not be hatched if, there was no warmth. A chicken sits on the egg before it can hatch. I dont reckon there was any incubator long time ago. Sun does not provide the extra warmth needed for an egg to hatch. haha tricked you. If you believe in God, then chickens came before the egg.
Brown egg
according to the Bible, the egg because God made 2 of every animal first. that's my religion.
of coase a hen because god created a hen first then it started producing its young ones..
the egg comes first they had to evolve from reptiles
who will belive god then he can belien hen comes first,the person who will not belive god he thinks egg comes from hen
Clearly the egg came before the chicken. Inverts, fish, amphibians and dinosaurs were laying eggs long before the first hen existed. And the first hen certainly came from an egg. But, did it come from a "chicken" egg? But i ate the egg Well, that is one theory but who said the hen originally came from an egg? maybe a cross-breed situation occured between two mammals and they gave birth to a hen of somesort then the hen laid an egg. but once again what about the male?
The hen goes first because the hen lays the egg.
If you believe the story of Noah, then the chicken came first.
First Hen Egg was created in 1885.
The hen's egg came first because other animals layed the egg!!!!
egg came first because someone told me that he first made omlate before making a chicken curry
hen born first