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In both the play and the movie, it is the nurse who raised Juliet, who carries the wedding information between Romeo and Juliet.

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Juliet's Nurse

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Q: Who carries the message about wedding arrangements from Romeo to Juliet?
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In Romeo and Juliet Why does Paris talk to the friar?

He's making arrangements for his wedding to Juliet.

Who meets with romeo to check that hes made wedding arrangements?

Friar Laurence meets with Romeo to confirm that he has made wedding arrangements with Juliet. He wants to make sure that everything is in place for their secret wedding.

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He is making arrangements for his wedding to Juliet, just as Romeo did in Act 2.

What is the nurse's implied purpose in her visiting romeo on the day he is to marry Juliet?

Her express purpose is to make the wedding arrangements. While she is about it, she warns Romeo not to mistreat Juliet.

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She hopes to hear the very message she gets: that Romeo will marry her and has made arrangements to do so.

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Actually all the arrangements for their wedding are made through the Nurse and Friar Lawrence, so Romeo cannot tell Juliet anything of the kind. The nurse makes the suggestion that Juliet should get permission to go to confession so she can get to the church on time.

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He is hanging around when the Nurse comes to make the wedding arrangements and annoys her with his dirty jokes.

When Juliet goes to Friar Laurence for advice because her father is forcing her to marry Count Paris is Paris there?

Yes, he's making arrangements for their wedding.

What is importanet message from romeo does the nurse bring to Juliet?

The message from Romeo is to arrange for Juliet to come to Friar Lawrence's cell for their wedding ceremony.

When Juliet found dead in her room whom Capulet say that she has merried?

Capulet thought Juliet had been married to Paris, as he discovered her seemingly lifeless body in her room next to the wedding arrangements meant for her nuptials with Paris.

What is the date of Romeo and Juliet's wedding?

Romeo and Juliet's Wedding Datemarch 11 1302

When Juliet seems happy and obedient what does her father do about the wedding?

he moves Juliet's wedding with Paris forward