poems and plays
William Shakespeare wrote loads of plays, sonnets, ballads and poetry. Sonnets are sort of weird love poems. Ballads are miserable poems. Sonnets are poems written in a particular format, 16 lines from memory; they are not all love poems, whether weird or not. Ballads don't have to be miserable.
he wrote plays and poems in his spare time!
He was good at writing Plays and poems.
He wrote thirty seven accountable Plays.
The poems and plays of William Shakespeare are representative of the English Renaissance. Shakespeare's works, such as "Romeo and Juliet," "Hamlet," and "Macbeth," are considered some of the greatest achievements of English literature during this period.
African American writers and artists created books, plays, poems, and paintings.This period was known as the Harlem Renaissance.
poems and plays
Geoffrey Chaucer was a Fourteenth century English poet who wrote beautiful verses including the famous Canterbury Tales, Troilus And Crisseyde, etc. At a time when the English language and literature had not elevated and refined enough for an English Renaissance, his poems became in itself a new variety and genre and his liquidity of diction and his licenscious dealing with the language gave his poems a delightful charm. People liked it and began to think, speak and write just as he did in his poems. Without knowing or not, he was fathering and standardising a new language and initiating the English renaissance. He is considered the father of contemporary English language and literature. Before him, it was not English but Englisch.
William Shakespeare affected the Renaissance in several ways. The Renaissance is a period of rebirth in science, art, and literature. By writing many plays, Shakespeare contributed to most of the rebirth of literature. Plays by Shakespeare are extremely well known, even today, and assist historians in discovery of the past. He wrote many plays and poems, such as Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer's Dream.
sonets poems and plays
Francesco Petrarca us remembered for his poems to Laura.
Langston Hughes, (James Mercer Langston Hughes, 1902-1967) was a columnist and writer of novels, short stories, and plays. His works were prominent in the "Harlem Renaissance" of the late 1920's.
Yes, she did write plays, stories, and poems about black life.
William Shakespeare wrote loads of plays, sonnets, ballads and poetry. Sonnets are sort of weird love poems. Ballads are miserable poems. Sonnets are poems written in a particular format, 16 lines from memory; they are not all love poems, whether weird or not. Ballads don't have to be miserable.
imp ans of b.a poems
He wrote brilliant plays and poems.