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Q: Which country would you associatewith the samba dance?
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Related questions

Is samba an animal?

No the samba is a dance not an animal but it would make a good name for an animal its is sad that it is not

What continent is the samba dance popular on?

That would be South America.

Where can one learn the samba in Brasil?

In Brasil, samba is a very popular type of dance. You would be able to lean the samba by searching fro local schools through brochures that teach you the basics of the dance. You would also be able to find classes online to join classes either as a one off or a course.

What institutional changes would the proposed EU constitution make?

they would make changes that all people should dance the samba!

Where can one learn how to do a brazilian dance named samba?

Samba is a popular dance that is taught at many adult education courses so it would be wise to check with local colleges for classes. Alternatively there are often informal classes taught at bars which add a fun social twist to the evening, such as Bar Salsa in London.

What does Samba De Amigo mean in English?

Amiga means friend (female)Amigo means friend (male)

When would samba music be played in England?

There are well over 200 community samba bands in the UK but very few of them play what would be recognised in Brasil as samba. You can hear real samba being played in London at Notting Hill Carnival on the lasty Monday of every August. Most of the bands are Caribbean, but there is some Brazilian samba too.

Can you play Samba on a keyboard?

Only if u know how to play Samba on the keyboard, you would need to practice for a long time!

How would you create an entry for a file that would allow Samba to share its data?

edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf and add below lines to the end of the file and restart samba using command service smb restart[]path = writeable = yes; browseable = yesguest ok = yesHere guest ok = yes tells anybody can view and edit the data. If you want to restrict samba sharing you have to change that line as valid users = user1, user2.Before that you have to add samba users that and samba sharing you can do in GUI mode accessfromSystem>Administration>serversettings>samba.

Where does Samba music come from?

t is normally fast and has a fast beat and tempo. Actually samba can also be slow. What makes it sound different from other types of music is the specific samba swing. By this I mean not speed or enery or tightness, but the fact that half of the notes in a bar always fall slightly off the beat, in a very consistant pattern. The swing stays the same throughout all of the instruments and variations of patterns, and is held by the melody too. It is the swing that gives samba its addictive feel. The samba swing is not the same as Jazz or latin swing, which have different offbeats. The swing cannot be annotated by conventional means so you can't learn it by reading musical notation, but you can hear it clearly in samba recordings. It derives from the African origins of samba music, which grew out of a complex mix of African music, marches and the polka. There is some great historical material on Youtube - try looking up anything by Clara Nunes, or Cartola. The modern samba schools in Rio play a much faster samba with more emphasis on percussion - you can also find these well illustrated on youtube - search for "ensaio tecnico na avenida". This bateria samba is so fast you can hardly hear the swing but it's there - without it the music would just sound like a march. Not all Brazilian traditional music is samba, there are many other styles such as Maracatu and samba reggae which sound quite different, having a slightly different swing, different orchestration and a very different cultural tradition.

How would you use the advanced package to install samba if you are not logged in as root?

If your user account is in the sudoers file, then you can use APT to install Samba as root.

Who invented Electronic Country music?

That would be US recording artist Mesh, from his album American Fleece with the track: "Country Dance"