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The modern Ranger Regiment was created in 1986, but can trace its roots all the way back to the colonial times. They were created to provide advanced warning of raids by hostile Native American tribes and to strike back at these tribes. The spiritual birth of the Army Rangers is considered to be Roger's Rangers, formed in 1751 by Major Robert Rogers.

The Rangers have fought in every American conflict, except World War 1, in some form or another. Eventually, the 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger) was formed during the Vietnam War. After the war, the Regiment was changed into the 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions, followed by the 3rd Ranger Battaltion and the Regimental Headquarters in 1984. In 1986, all of the Ranger Battlations were placed under the 75th Ranger Regiment. The 4th, 5th, and 6th Ranger Battalions were reactivated as the Ranger Training Brigade, the precursor to the modern-day Ranger School.

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Q: When were the Army Rangers formed?
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The American team in Modern Warfare 2 is the United States Army Rangers, simply called Rangers in the game.

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One can find out on how to become an Army Ranger by simply applying to defend one's country as a Army Ranger. One will find that not only the United Statses of America have Army Rangers, but also Canada and parts of Irish Millitary Defence Units share the name of Army Rangers.

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