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probly where Shakespeare lived

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Q: When did most of the plays take place in the globe?
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Where did Plays take place?

Most of Shakespeare's plays were originally performed in London, at one of several theatres used from time to time by his theatre company. These included the Globe, the Curtain, the Theatre and the Blackfriars. Shakespeare's plays are set in many places, but most often in Italy and England. All except Antony and Cleopatra take place in Europe and Asia Minor; Antony and Cleopatra takes place mostly in Egypt and Mars cause I hate

What time of day would the plays take place in the globe theatre?

The plays at the public playhouses started around 2:00 P.M. so that the play could take advantage of the sunlight. Most stages faced south or southwest. The plays lasted from two to three hours. Public playhouses were usually open from April to October. Companies moved into their private winter playhouses at that time. Plays did not start being performed at night, in public playhouses, until the Restoration Period.

Why did Greek plays take place?

In a Cathedral.

What is globle indicator?

A globe indicator is a process of finding any place on the globe; but remember its a globe, not Earth.. So take and eg: like... You want to find England on the GLOBE. You find it very easily by pointing on it. This is called analysis. VICTORY... !! You indicated a place on the globe! There are also several other programs on computers including google earth. There are also several other equpments to find any place on the globe. eg: Mariner's Compass..

What is the entrance to the lowest gallery in the globe theatre?

The Globe Theater is a replica of the original theater where William Shakespeare wrote and performed his plays. The entrances are on the ground level, and to get to the gallery, the spectator must take the stairs up to the gallery.

How did king James affect the performance of plays in England?

He insisted that all plays take place at the royal palace

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they take place in New York

Where do most of the thermonuclear reactions take place on the sun?

The most thermonuclear reactions on the sun, take place in the core.

Where do most doggy catwalks take place?

Most doggie catwalk shows take place in l.a or london

Why did all the plays take place during daylight hours at the globe?

'Cause they didn't have good enough lamps.

What time of day did all of William shakespeares plays take place?

Your teacher has misinformed you if you think that all of the performances of Shakespeare's plays during his lifetime took place at the same time. Performances at the open-air "wooden Os" like the Theatre, Curtain, Rose and Globe took place at 3:00 p.m. because they relied on the angle of the sun being right to illuminate the stage and not dazzle the eyes of the spectators. But many performances of the plays took place indoors in people's homes, halls and palaces even before the company acquired a permanent indoor theatre, the Blackfriars, in 1608. Performances indoors could take place any time and often were held in the evening.

What tabloids take most of the Zac Efron pictures?

Most tabloid publications take many pictures of Zac Efron. Some tabloids that take his pictures the most include 'National Enquirer', 'Star Magazine', 'The Sun' and 'Globe'.